ozone in bottled water?

My friend has an unlimited supply of bottled water from a spring. The water is microfiltered with a tds of about 45 PPM. with mg, cal, potassium, and sodium making up the disolved solids... Anyway they put ozone in this water after microfiltration. Would this ozone be bad for plants or no?

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
ozone is an oxidizer. It's pretty unstable and has a halflife of about half an hour. This means is will break down from O3 into O2 by the time you receive the bottle.
It is used for sanitation in a lot of industries: Bottled water sterilization, equipment sanitation in the wine industry, etc. They sell ozone generators to eliminate smells in grow rooms, too. They work like a charm, but the ozone gas is harmful to people and plants, so you need to be careful with how you use it. ie venting your exhaust into an attic and running the ozone generator in there.

You dont want to be breathing the stuff, and it's harmful to your plants in gas form, but again, it breaks down to O2 within an hour. You should be fine using it.


Ursus marijanus
Clownbaby got here first ... ozone doesn't keep. It's an excellent non-persistent chemosterilant with benign breakdown products. cn