

Well-Known Member
Takes far longer to explain it than to do it - bout 5 or 6 minutes actually - I don't advise anyone to do this I am simply setting records straight whenever I am able. However, let us talk about someone who is "willing" to go through the trouble to spend 3 months - hundreds if not thousands of dollars and who knows how much time - growing marijuana indoors for their own personal use, chemicals, lights, pumps, foliar sprays, ph meters, ro water, and all the rest. If someone is willing to do all that - do they need help as well?
Let's get it straight though! Mary jane isn't a chemical you snort up your nose, now is it??? I dnt think so!And I didn't spend thousands of dollars on my set up by far. I hve I wld say no more then 200 to 250$ in my set up all together, and that's it. Oh & how many times have you herd of someone wrecking & killing thereselfs on marjiuana? Or how bout all the people that die each day from doing exactly what this thread is about? Has anyone ever died from marjiuana? Not to my knowledge! So, with that said, you can see that breaking down pills & snorting them, shooting them, sticking them up your rear end, whatever plp do with them now, is way,way, different by far then growing marjiuana.Nough said. Peace!


Well-Known Member
Let's get it straight though! Mary jane isn't a chemical you snort up your nose, now is it??? I dnt think so!And I didn't spend thousands of dollars on my set up by far. I hve I wld say no more then 200 to 250$ in my set up all together, and that's it. Oh & how many times have you herd of someone wrecking & killing thereselfs on marjiuana? Or how bout all the people that die each day from doing exactly what this thread is about? Has anyone ever died from marjiuana? Not to my knowledge! So, with that said, you can see that breaking down pills & snorting them, shooting them, sticking them up your rear end, whatever plp do with them now, is way,way, different by far then growing marjiuana.Nough said. Peace!

If we are to get into an argument over the relative dangers of marijuana and semisynthetic opiates you will win. That wasn't my point however as we can also talk about the realtive safety of putting some plastic powder into your nasal passages vs filling your lungs with the product of combustion and all that entails. Chemicals are chemicals are chemicals, some less harmful, some more so. The chemicals that one puts into one's body as a result of smoking marijuana are far far less pure and less predictable over the long run than a single, well tested opiate ingested in any way save IM or IV.

An overdose of oxycodone will kill, not so with pot, oxycodone if done to excess can endanger your hearing, possibly produce hypogonadism and there is some evidence that the drug itself may have some effect on one's heart. These things are known and rare. After all this time, due to government intractability and obstinance, we really don't know what the chemicals in marijuana do over the long or even the short term.

My comparison was a simple one - other than the sort of chemical we are talking about is it any less accurate to question one's attention to the creation of one chemical than it is to question the time spent on another?

But let us turn it to another chemical. I have spent a total of 8 years preparing for what a particular small series of experiences . I tended to the cactus, fed them, moved them - harvested them with a scar on my fingernail still healing to show for my delicate dance with spines (damn did THAT one hurt - for weeks - it embeded itself into my nail and could not be removed- it has to grow out ripping the flesh underneith a tiny bit every day).
Now I will be working mashing the harvest up and treating it with - more chemicals in order to arrive at a final product. If we apply your question again, is my devotion to such an effort an indicator of a problem on my part? But what have I done in reality? I have rendered a natural product more easily ingested

If one takes one's marijuana harvest, an then goes out to purchase 50 lbs of ice, and does all the work necessary to render their product more easily and more enjoyably ingested - is that a sign of a problem?

Finally, let us, none of us, kid ourselves, we all know people who have a problem with pot - we all know people who smoke their lives away, we all know people who are incapable let alone unwilling to go a day or two without a smoke and frankly - resonable or not, we all know people who, because of their penchant for a fine marijuana buzz, knowing the legal consequences, have ruined their lives over the substance - not directly but the result is the same.

Many years ago, there was an actual inebriation faction - a group of people who had discovered pot and thought themselves superior to "juicers" - those who drank beer or hard liquor. We thought them sloppy and unrulely but what was more important was that we thought ourselves superior because our drug of choice was "better" than theirs. I had hoped after all those years that sort of thing was over. I am not saying that you do such a thing and I am posting this not necessarily in argument to YOU personaly but in order to bring some sense of reality and balance to the conversation. One chemical is not "better" than another either by virtue of it's being "natural" (whatever that means) or by virtue of it's potential harm to the user.

I found myself unable to control my use of amphetamines many years ago and brought myself to a detox and treatment center. In the meetings we all declared our drug of choice, the one we had the problem with - when one of my associates stated that the problems he had were not with heroin, not with amphetamine, not with pot but with nitrous oxide I laughed - such a silly thing, such a trivial problem. I should not have laughed at all.


Well-Known Member
My name is Oxy contin. You can call me oc for short.
I entered into this world to help dying cancer patients & really sick people.
Ever since then I've made lots of people rich!
Some have been murdered and even found in a ditch.
I am more valued then diamonds, more treasured then gold.
Use me a few times & you will be sold.
I will make a schoolboy forget his books, I'll make a beauty queen
4 get her looks! I will take a renowned speaker and make him a bore,
I'll take your mother and make her a whore!
I'll make a schoolteacher forget how to teach, I will make a
Preacher not want to preach. I'll take your rent money and you'll
Be evicted. I'll murder your babies or they'll be born addicted!
I'll make you rob, and steal and I've even made some people kill.
When your under my power, you will have no will!
Remember, my friend, my name is "OC", if you try me a few times,
You may never be free. I've destroyed actors,politiians,and many of a hero.
I've decreased bank accounts from thousands to zero. Once I take charge you
Won't have a prayer. Now that you know me, what will you do?
You'll have to decide, its all up to you. Listen to me, and please listen well,
When your riding with me your headed for hell!

I seen this & thought I would share it. It gave me chills! Idk about you guys,
But it really made me think a lot! Well you guys take care..
Later fella's..


Well-Known Member
Dang bro! You better be carefull with those cactus! ;) that really sound like it hurt bad! :(.. I got stuck with one a few yrs back, and my finger hurt like hell!
My finger even started swelling up after
That! So I don't mess with those suckers anymore,lol!

If we are to get into an argument over the relative dangers of marijuana and semisynthetic opiates you will win. That wasn't my point however as we can also talk about the realtive safety of putting some plastic powder into your nasal passages vs filling your lungs with the product of combustion and all that entails. Chemicals are chemicals are chemicals, some less harmful, some more so. The chemicals that one puts into one's body as a result of smoking marijuana are far far less pure and less predictable over the long run than a single, well tested opiate ingested in any way save IM or IV.

An overdose of oxycodone will kill, not so with pot, oxycodone if done to excess can endanger your hearing, possibly produce hypogonadism and there is some evidence that the drug itself may have some effect on one's heart. These things are known and rare. After all this time, due to government intractability and obstinance, we really don't know what the chemicals in marijuana do over the long or even the short term.

My comparison was a simple one - other than the sort of chemical we are talking about is it any less accurate to question one's attention to the creation of one chemical than it is to question the time spent on another?

But let us turn it to another chemical. I have spent a total of 8 years preparing for what a particular small series of experiences . I tended to the cactus, fed them, moved them - harvested them with a scar on my fingernail still healing to show for my delicate dance with spines (damn did THAT one hurt - for weeks - it embeded itself into my nail and could not be removed- it has to grow out ripping the flesh underneith a tiny bit every day).
Now I will be working mashing the harvest up and treating it with - more chemicals in order to arrive at a final product. If we apply your question again, is my devotion to such an effort an indicator of a problem on my part? But what have I done in reality? I have rendered a natural product more easily ingested

If one takes one's marijuana harvest, an then goes out to purchase 50 lbs of ice, and does all the work necessary to render their product more easily and more enjoyably ingested - is that a sign of a problem?

Finally, let us, none of us, kid ourselves, we all know people who have a problem with pot - we all know people who smoke their lives away, we all know people who are incapable let alone unwilling to go a day or two without a smoke and frankly - resonable or not, we all know people who, because of their penchant for a fine marijuana buzz, knowing the legal consequences, have ruined their lives over the substance - not directly but the result is the same.

Many years ago, there was an actual inebriation faction - a group of people who had discovered pot and thought themselves superior to "juicers" - those who drank beer or hard liquor. We thought them sloppy and unrulely but what was more important was that we thought ourselves superior because our drug of choice was "better" than theirs. I had hoped after all those years that sort of thing was over. I am not saying that you do such a thing and I am posting this not necessarily in argument to YOU personaly but in order to bring some sense of reality and balance to the conversation. One chemical is not "better" than another either by virtue of it's being "natural" (whatever that means) or by virtue of it's potential harm to the user.

I found myself unable to control my use of amphetamines many years ago and brought myself to a detox and treatment center. In the meetings we all declared our drug of choice, the one we had the problem with - when one of my associates stated that the problems he had were not with heroin, not with amphetamine, not with pot but with nitrous oxide I laughed - such a silly thing, such a trivial problem. I should not have laughed at all.

Bro, seriously I really wasn't trying to start a fight nor argument at all with you.
4 real. I am a easy going guy. ;) I was simply pointing outt the diffrences is all.
And yes, marjiuana is also a chemical as well as oc is. Along with all the rest of the "drugs".
but what really gets me with the "oc" and just pills in general is, I watched my father
Go down that drug addiction rd, and he had legit pain! But it got to the point to where
He was overdoing it by far! Because of pain/ tolerance, & about 5 years of snorting
Pills, it ate a hole the size of a golf ball in the back of his throat. Damn I hated seeing that!
After that, being in the hospital for months, having surgery to close it up, he returned
Home, to do the same dang stuff again, but worse! I seen my father the night before he passed.
He didn't even know he was in t his world, from all the stuff mixed together he had done
That day, and through the week. And its sad to say, even after seeing all that with my dad,
I myself still turned around and done the same damn shit! Anyways, I am so glad I overcame
That, and pray daily for the ones that's still doing it.. you guys take care..


New Member
Let's get it straight though! Mary jane isn't a chemical you snort up your nose, now is it??? I dnt think so!And I didn't spend thousands of dollars on my set up by far. I hve I wld say no more then 200 to 250$ in my set up all together, and that's it. Oh & how many times have you herd of someone wrecking & killing thereselfs on marjiuana? Or how bout all the people that die each day from doing exactly what this thread is about? Has anyone ever died from marjiuana? Not to my knowledge! So, with that said, you can see that breaking down pills & snorting them, shooting them, sticking them up your rear end, whatever plp do with them now, is way,way, different by far then growing marjiuana.Nough said. Peace!
Hell yeah bruh tell him


Well-Known Member
I decided I'll just take it, it was free gift and so it last a little longer and doesnt hit as hard.. by the way its been sitting on my dresser for over a month.. one single pill.. I've still yet to take it.. I'm sooo an addict.. oh nooooes I'll never get my life back..

Silly pot preachers I do love your herbal pride, but its not the greatest thing since sliced bread ;)

Major thanks to brandon, canndo for the information, and MrEduck for the harm reduction input..

Who you gonna call?


Well-Known Member
No one that I've seen has called you an addict bro.. just concerned is all. And there's nothing
At all wrong with someone being concerned is there?.. anyways, I really don't believe anyone was
"Preaching" persay at you, merly telling there miss haps with being a drug addict &
How it rueined there lives & how they over came it. That's all. Not a big deal bro. Just
Really didn't know the current situation is all. All we knew was we seen a thread reading "
How to break down an oxy" or whatever it said. And people I'm sure where going off that,
Really not knowing your current. Anyways, I am glad that you do have a grip on it, &
That it hasn't grabed hold of you like it has the better part of the world. Well bro, you
Take care. I wish you all the luck in this world. Later my dude.. ;)

I decided I'll just take it, it was free gift and so it last a little longer and doesnt hit as hard.. by the way its been sitting on my dresser for over a month.. one single pill.. I've still yet to take it.. I'm sooo an addict.. oh nooooes I'll never get my life back..

Silly pot preachers I do love your herbal pride, but its not the greatest thing since sliced bread ;)

Major thanks to brandon, canndo for the information, and MrEduck for the harm reduction input..

Who you gonna call?


Well-Known Member
I decided I'll just take it, it was free gift and so it last a little longer and doesnt hit as hard.. by the way its been sitting on my dresser for over a month.. one single pill.. I've still yet to take it.. I'm sooo an addict.. oh nooooes I'll never get my life back..

Silly pot preachers I do love your herbal pride, but its not the greatest thing since sliced bread ;)

Major thanks to brandon, canndo for the information, and MrEduck for the harm reduction input..

Who you gonna call?

Unfortunately - it just isn't that good if you just "take it". sorry, but the time release thing is pretty much the key to keeping folks from abusing them - and many say the key to keeping the pills from being as good as they should be for pain management.


Well-Known Member
key is moderation! if you take more than you should you just drool on yourself and raise your tolerance thru the roof...just take enough and you float around nicely and can still finish a sentence.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately - it just isn't that good if you just "take it". sorry, but the time release thing is pretty much the key to keeping folks from abusing them - and many say the key to keeping the pills from being as good as they should be for pain management.
I have a really low tolerance, from rarely abusing any type of opiate, so I'm hoping it works for me still, if not no big loss it was free.. if It doesn't work the next time i come across one, if I even do, I'll try what you mentioned.


Well-Known Member
Seems like your tolerance should be through the roof, if you've been doing the opiates for the past
Several years like you mentioned in your past posts egon... I know that just for the five I used, mine was through the roof! I couldn't even go to the dentist, & come outta there office without having to be overly medicated, because the dentist would have to keep giving me more & more, to the ponit to where I ended up getting too much! But he told me that even though I was highly medicated, that my body would still jerk & jump, while I was under... high tolerance! That's what
It does for ya! Well, if I don't happen to talk 2 anyone soon, y'all have a wonderfull christmas! Happy 420.


Well-Known Member
Seems like your tolerance should be through the roof, if you've been doing the opiates for the past
Several years like you mentioned in your past posts egon... I know that just for the five I used, mine was through the roof! I couldn't even go to the dentist, & come outta there office without having to be overly medicated, because the dentist would have to keep giving me more & more, to the ponit to where I ended up getting too much! But he told me that even though I was highly medicated, that my body would still jerk & jump, while I was under... high tolerance! That's what
It does for ya! Well, if I don't happen to talk 2 anyone soon, y'all have a wonderfull christmas! Happy 420.


Well-Known Member
this drug is very very rare in the UK but i have obtained more than a few times from the good ol web n 1 other source working in the nhs ( yes our gov gives at least half a shit about us n we get free medical care lol)

anyway can easily see why so many got,get hooked such a lovely clean buzz, i got 40mg op oxy i think its op the type that can be crushed not the new shit oc is it? yeah mainly 40s and i would just take them without touching em no crushing,sniffing etc, such a nice long clean high never sick like i have been on other opiates.


Well-Known Member
JMO. Oxy' being used any way other then its intended purpose(eating them)is a dopehead.
Might as well do you a line of keif out the grinder


Well-Known Member
I know a few people who actually have to eat them daily to counteract serious back injuries. They would NEVER smoke or snort them because as addicting as they are> Smoking or Snorting opiates makes them much more addictive. >I thought i've posted a few times b4...o wells