Overwatered? Underwatered? Dead?


Active Member
This was growing good but yesterday the leaves started pointing upwards. Today the tips are curling over. Not sure whats going on with it. Maybe some1 else can tell. It's about a week old. Sorry for the blurry pics.



Well-Known Member
In those pictures the soil looks way dry. Seedlings and clones need a humid and wet enviroment. Was it like that the whole time? If so it is probably a gonner. You should keep your soil wet in this stage. Allow it to dry out. Once you see it dry on the top stick your finger in the pot an inch. If it is dry down there is is probably time for a watering. You probably shouldn't be having to water your seedling that much but as it gets bigger it will require more water.

I would say start over if you have more seeds. Get a dome to put over the top of the seedling to make its environment more humid. I use a clear drinking cup. Like a disposable one. You can use something else you have laying around.

Keep your plant watered and the humidity high when it is small and it will be big in no time. Well maybe 3 weeks....


Well-Known Member
wat kind of lights are you usin
Yeah, if you are using hot lights make sure to put a fan on that plant. Get a thermometer and make sure temps don't get past 85. This could make your soil dry out really fast too. Post more info about your room and we can help you out more.


Active Member
ya i was gonna say the lights lok real bright might be dryin the plant out.. i use those lil green houses for tomatos to grow my plants in for a while


Active Member
thats actually the flash that makes it look bright. I had 2 23watt cfls on it. Should I re-water it till its real moist or should I use a new seed? I have another seed but I was hopin I could save this one.

The seed is in a rockwool cube also. You can't really see it in the pics tho.

Its not hot in that room. Probably 78 it's def not hot tho and the lights dont give off much heat at all. It's only been like this today. Yesterday was when it started acting weird like I said.


Active Member
you could try to water it good but chances prolly ain't good. you'll prolly have to start wit that new seed. good luck tho hope it works out for ya

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I feel like a broken record here. Anyone that makes a stab at his trouble is only making a wide guess at best.

There is next to no information that is needed. The only information we have is that it is a plant that is in trouble.

How often do you water.
How much do you water.
What kind of soil.
What kind of NUTS,,, if any.
PH of water,
PH of run off. Any and all info is helpful.
OH yah, what kind of lights and how close to plants

To me, if any new grower has to ask if they are over or under watered. I would place money on over watered. Does not matter what the top of the soil looks like, a lot of the time.

Did he add perlite to his soil, Bet not. So it most likely has at best 5%. It is probably hard and clustered under the suface, and wet as hell. But this is just a guess, because there is not enough information to give an educated guess.

One more guess, it is Miracle grow soil, or scotts.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
One more question. How big is that dam pot?

I know when I first started growing. Everyone said to start my plants in a beer cup or something small, and then replant. I figured screw that, what are they talking about? Why start in beer cups and trainsplant two times. I will start in 5 gallon pots. DOH!!!! dead plants...... So one more try.... They say one thing. I figure I know a little better way. DOH!!! Once again dead plants.

I later found out it is better to start in small beer cups for a few reasons.
#1 Way easier to control the moisture of the soil right around the seedling.
#2 With a smaller area, the plant can build a strong root base, so it can handle the large weight of the buds.
#3 The plant just seems to take off better when young in a little pot. That is all that really matters. And repotting is easy and STRESS FREE TO THE PLANT IF DONE CORRECTLY.

Ok, I am now stepping off my soap box.
That pot looks like it could be huge.

Really though, give some more information, and maybe a wide picture. Maybe showing the lights, vent system, plant and all.


Active Member
Sorry for my noobness. Well I started out in the rockwool cube like in SeeMoreBuds book. I was watering it a little bit everyday and it look great. I transfered the cube to a 5 gal pot after 5 days and watered it with a about .5 gallon of water (roughly 7.4 pH). Im using MG soil (good call)(pH somewhere in the 5 range), the same soil SeeMoreBuds used in his book. Yes, I know the soil is not up to par but since SeeMoreNuds grew with it I figured I might as well try it out. He also upped the water pH like I did so that the pH of the soil would balance out. I didnt get any run off from soil so thats probably a bad thing but a half gallon seemed like a lot of water. The lights are about 2 inches from the plant. There a half inch of perlite on the bottom and about a the soil is about 20% perlite since I added a bunch in as I was adding soil. I am going by SeeMoreBuds book so whatever he did I tried to do the same.

Also, my buddy tried beer cups but for some reason the seedlings would never come up in those.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Also, my buddy tried beer cups but for some reason the seedlings would never come up in those.
So just because your Buddy Failed at getting laid, you are not going to give it a try? Hahahaha...

Just funning. There are a million reasons why he failed. Why take inventory on other peoples failures and add them onto yours?

Most newbie growers first failure is to listen to someone who knows nothing. Just my belief. My first try at cloneing, I got 6 to root out of 10. Then I listened to this guy who had words of gab.. I lost 12 of 12. I later did a search on him. Out of over 1,000 post only a few dozen were about weed. DOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Use the advanced search function on people.


Well-Known Member
Go ahead and start some more, but what the hell ya got to lose by watering this one and seeing if it lives? I't aint like its months old or anything. I killed 2 of my babies that I overwatered, and figured they were goners when everyone told me they'd make a come back. The one I didn't pull came back strong!!!DEFINATELY get a fan. Those seedlings need to develop a strong stem early on.