Over nuted plant


Active Member
Hi this is my first post in these forums, but the problem I'm having is i think i over nuted my plant. It's a auto blueberry and it should of really had all the bud sites developed by now but it aint (it's been growing about 2 months, according to some website it's only meant to take 10 weeks from seed to harvest) I know blueberry can be sensitive to nutes but i've been giving it nutes every feed, and been watering it twice a week. The leafs have curled under at the ends which i read could be a sign of over fert. Do you think i could still save this plant, i gave it plain water yesterday to try and help. What do you think is the best thing to do ? Thanks Btw the nutes i've been using are bio-bizz and it's growing under CFL's

newb weed grower

Active Member
uh if it gets worse just flush it
if nute lock is [problem i know im no exspert but i can imagine the pro telling u that
uh but who knows pictures paint a thousand words


if the leafs are curling down and the leafs turning brown or dark at the edges it may be from over watering or root rot but I am no expert


Well-Known Member
its over feeding.you shouldnt feed twice a week.every other watering at most in soil.have you been ph'ing your water/nuted water too?


Active Member
yeah the Ph of the water is about 6.7. The leafs aren't dying off or nothing really, well a few of the older little ones died off and a few of the older leafs still have signs of an earlier nute deficiency. But other then that the plant is looking pretty healthy about from the leafs curling under and the stunted growth. I've read up about this flushing of plants, but i'm worried it might water log the plant and cause it to rot. Am i looking at a few weeks for the plant to recover ? but i'm just worried because after 2 months and no bud sites have really formed, i have pre flowers. I hope i aint messed up the plant and stunted i for good.

Il Cuoco

you should flush aboundantly and maybe change the earth of the pot by removing the plant and gently flush away as much old earth as possible... i saved my last yeld this way! ;)


Active Member
I was thinking about changing the soil, only trouble is i've ran out of good soil and only have crap soil left, so i don't wanna make the thing worse by putting it in crap soil. I'll have to see if i can get some good soil and re-pot it. But i'll try the flushing for now, until i can get some decent soil then i'll re-pot. But i'm a bit worried about toxic salt build up as well.