Over night sex appearance


Active Member
Can ANYONE explain how in the hell is it possible that I put a BRAND NEW STRAIN in with my girls that are already 38 days into flower last night and it went thru its new light cycle and now the next day only 3 hours into its second day it already has those two pistils coming out of what seems to be insanely small calyxs!! I am beside myself right now! My WW that's in right now only took 4 days to show and everyone thinks I'm lying, but this!!! Who the Fuk is going to believe my Orange Kush showed it was a female littaraly over night!!! I am taking pics right this minute to see if I can post them. So far I haven't been able to upload one pic on this site. Hopefully this is the first one it let's me post!! Any idea why or how this could be possible?????


Active Member
what are those? How do I know if that is what it is? Also does that really determine sex then or is that just a song and dance to distract me before male parts arrive? I've never seen this before, it's freaking crazy to me and I hope that it means that it's a girl cause I ended up with two seeds from the same bud (yes 2 bag seeds, had to do it, weed was amazing) and got two completely different phenotypes out of it. One (the one that went in last night) is short and REALLY bushy and the other is tall and bushy but not as much. The first one started producing flowers on top of flowers no spacing barley but the second one had more space in between the nodes. I was hoping one if not both would be female to see what the difference in the buds are and if any will be like the bud it came from.


Active Member
its not that uncommon if you veged them for any length of time (4 weeks +) before flower. and yes preflowers are an almost guaranteed indication of the sex of the plant, it doesn't mean it wont hermie but it does tell you that the plant is a female.


Active Member
Congrats! Its a girl so far! More than likely was preflowers just starting to appear on a mature plant. Wait and see how long it takes from now to actually show real bud development.


Active Member
My record is 3 days and that's after 36 hours of dark.

I have been reading a lot about this night period before changing your girls to 12/12 but I have NEVER done this. I simply wait for lights to go out and then transplant to new bucket in flower room. Since all lights are out at this time it remains sleeping till the next morning and it wakes up to a much brighter light and a new light cycle. I have put all 4 plants that I have in flower room in total like that (as of last night) and they all seem to react just fine. Not one sine of stress that I can see and my older plants like I mentioned before showed pistils in 4-5 days and I used that method. Works for me I guess.

Is there a reason that you put them in total darkness? I'm far too anxious to have to add on even just one more day never mind 3! Unless it does something amazing for the plant not sure what the need for that would be. Very interested in this method tho. As it is I try to put a new girl in the space every 2-3 weeks so once it is time to harvest it will be a steady 2-3 week wait appose to 2-3 months. I would go nuts waiting that long before I get more lol!!! Maybe this way of thinking will go away once I have more then I can handle. I guess then I won't be so worried of running out before harvest lol.

Thanks for all the replies, like always TY guys!!


Well-Known Member
It's only 36 hrs of darkness I use. My current grow, I didn't as an experiment, and it definately took longer to show sex. Not much in it, a couple of days maybe, but in total, it won't add time to your flower period, it will reduce it. However, in your case, with a staggered flower room, maybe not unless you have somewhere dark to put them.