Over 2lbs from 400w in normal time frame, need a test pilot.


Well-Known Member
all i can say is try it out and see... if i were attemting to do this i would say the most optimal route would be to get a light mover and a 3x6 tray with a 600w


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately I can't try it or I would at this point.

I can't afford a light mover and haven't come up with a way to make one cheap yet. Plus I don't have a tray or the hydro stuff to do one yet, I'm dirt farming.

Maybe when we get more info on a strain I will try the single 3x3 with dirt in 20oz bottles exactly like drbud just to see if the first part of the plan can be done on a larger scale than my little test. My test was too small and now I also realize I had more than one light souce in there too so even if minimal it was getting light from more than one angle. Plus I have very reflective walls with first surface mirrors. (yes I know, lets not even go to that argument I don't have hotspot trouble.)

I know I'm stubborn as hell and thanks for hanging in there.


Well-Known Member
I like the idea in principle and the original guy who has been pulling it off on a relatively small scale has done his homework.

I have to wonder how you can get that many clones rooted so fast to do this perpetual style. It would make more sense seeing as that is how the other guy does it but only doing something like 9 every three weeks.


Well-Known Member
I like the idea in principle and the original guy who has been pulling it off on a relatively small scale has done his homework.

I have to wonder how you can get that many clones rooted so fast to do this perpetual style. It would make more sense seeing as that is how the other guy does it but only doing something like 9 every three weeks.
With the right conditions you can root thousands of clones under HID's with light mover and no humidity dome even. There are amazing things possible. The guy I'm thinking of is called the king of clones I think he's on one of the seemorebuds video's.

Rooting clones is really easy once you get it dialed in, I could root right in the same tray that I flower in.

It's sure a lot easier than waiting forever to flip crops. I can't stand waiting, I'll work my ass off rather than wait if that's what it takes.


Well-Known Member
I dunno.........Seems to me that there is a whole lot of claims as to massive clone yeilds with minimal results but Ive never seen anything live up to the hype.

Everyone I know that does it in "real life" struggles with it for up to 3 weeks to only get 50% success. You'd have to have massive mothers to lose that much and keep up a quick production schedule.


Well-Known Member
I once was trying to grow two pounds of weed ended up producing a female organ known as the pussy and I had sex with it, best part is no body knows about it… Till now!


Well-Known Member
I dunno.........Seems to me that there is a whole lot of claims as to massive clone yeilds with minimal results but Ive never seen anything live up to the hype.

Everyone I know that does it in "real life" struggles with it for up to 3 weeks to only get 50% success. You'd have to have massive mothers to lose that much and keep up a quick production schedule.
I haven't heard of too many commercial pot growers that didn't use clones, so I have no idea where your point of view comes from.

Same with SOG, it's probably one of the most common and successful cash crop methods.

Only a newb or someone like myself who trys things that are damn near impossible would only get 50% success.

Clearly you have not seen seemorebuds video's or had exposure to too many cash croppers.


Well-Known Member
I dunno.........Seems to me that there is a whole lot of claims as to massive clone yeilds with minimal results but Ive never seen anything live up to the hype.

Everyone I know that does it in "real life" struggles with it for up to 3 weeks to only get 50% success. You'd have to have massive mothers to lose that much and keep up a quick production schedule.
Hmm i usually get close to 100% within a wee and a half just from peat pellets, i had 50% the first time i ever tryed but once you know how to clone you shouldnt be getting anything less than 90%, unless its just a tuff strain.


Well-Known Member
Well for a bunch of guys who seem to know how to pull 90% success from cloning method, you sure arent upping the info on how you pull off root balls in less than 14 days.

I havent seen a bunch of cash croppers. Im more just the guy who does research for some friends and tries to make their personal stuff go better.

Unfortunately my friends fit the typical bill of "pothead" and most can have attention spans lasting near 5 minutes. I on the other hand can read voraciously.

The last experiment last night was actually PH testing the city water......low and behold it was 8-8.5 and if I ran it out of a RO drinking water set up.......it was 5.5-6.0

Im sure had any of us really known that its always best to use acid leaning water, it would not have been a contributor to the seemingly cryo stasis of the cuttings who can sit in a bubble cloner for weeks on end not rooting nor dieing.

Again, Im here to investigate, learn and inform. Unfortunately the internet is full of supposed geniuses whose only real contribution seems to be smart comments instead of smart information. Not pointing fingers......just saying. You can wade through hours of shit here and never learn a thing or you may stumble on a real gem every once in awhile. Im looking for the gem


Well-Known Member
yea man the last thing that would hold this back is the ability to produce clones. i wouldnt even call myself an experienced grower and i get 100% clone success out of my aerocloner that i built for less than $40... im not at my apartment now but if anyone reallty wants me to prove it i can post pics.. if u just wanna know how its done then theres probly 50 other posts on here about how to build an aerocloner


Well-Known Member
Cloning is just one of those things that takes practice. You can read everything on the internet and get all the facts and set it all up etc.

But only practice makes perfect.... Sorry, there is nothing I know of to tell you how to get 100% other than what you have already read, but anyone with any method can get 100% given practice and learning what ends up being second nature. Cloning is very very easy, once you get the hang of it.

There are some strains that are very difficult though... I'll grant you that. If by some chance you have one of those, an aerocloner should take care of it.

The only reason I don't always get 100% sucess is due to my own laziness and ignoring them or something, like letting the spider mites takes over and ruin everything I had a month or so back.
I clone in either rockwool or peat pellets. Pellets by far my favorite and fastest to work. Humidity dome for 5 days with 3x a day or so spraying water, then no humidity dome. Light very mimimal the first 5 days, then working up to more.
Aerocloners are even easier.
Those that can't clone to save their lives should buy a bottle of wilt spray and some peat pellets and skip all the other steps and not use a humidity dome and just use one tube flouro.


Well-Known Member
maybe Im not being all that clear. Its not that everything dies.......its that I dont see 14 day root balls. Like I said, Ive dont some experiments and so far the PH is wacked out of shape. Then I will figure out another piece of the puzzle as well


Well-Known Member
maybe Im not being all that clear. Its not that everything dies.......its that I dont see 14 day root balls. Like I said, Ive dont some experiments and so far the PH is wacked out of shape. Then I will figure out another piece of the puzzle as well
more like 7 days, peat pellets, good luck...


Well-Known Member
I have a 100% success cloning. All I use is Rockwool, and put them in a deal with a plastic cover. I don’t worry about all the sterol bull shit, and still have no prob. Cloning is a lot easier than you guys think. I do 40 at a time and never have one die on me. You can even clip them and do it in a cup of water. It’s just about getting them to root faster. Trust me give it a try and you will be surprised at what you all can do.


Well-Known Member
I'd like to make a couple observations here, if I may:

The idea of increasing g/w efficiency is enticing to all of us, and for many, increasing the plant count(risk) is a reasonable trade-off. However, I believe there are some "back-end" considerations that should be mentioned:

  • In order to maintain a viable feed of clones, several large mother plants would be needed. This means that although you only use 400w for the actual flowering, you will need a large area and increased lighting to maintain mothers. To really make a fair comparison vs say, a regular SOG, all aspects of the grow would need to be tallied.
  • A single 400w bulb would probably be the worst possible lighting method for this setup. The entire goal would be a small even canopy. Since the canopy is short, strong penetration is not needed. IMO, Florescents would be the only consideration, T-5s being ideal(didn't I read that the successful op used CFLs?)
  • Although aerocloners were mentioned, wouldn't you really need to clone directly into the rockwool cubes?
  • You can and I have successfully cloned directly into 12/12, you do not need any time in 24/7 lighting, which in this case would be counterproductive.
  • IMO, trying this from seed would be an absolute disaster. After thinning the males and off-pheno's, it's likely you'd end up w/ a regular old 4/sq ft SOG, or worse.
  • You've said stay away from heavy producers, why? Not all heavy producers just automatically turn into huge plants.
    • I have a Nirvana B-52 that I cloned into dirt at 12/12 under floro's. It is a single cola, 8" high, 2" wide with small leaves. It would fit nicely into a space in the said requirements. I'm hoping to see about 10g from it.
    • I think not using a high yeilder would just cause more fluffy popcorn nugs that wouldn't fill out. Why do you assume you will get 7 grams from a dwarf plant with a low yeilding strain?
    • The low lighting conditions are going to further promote internode elongation(stretch), thereby making it all the more necessary to have a heavy budder.
    • This is also another plus for the T-5's - being known to keep internode distance short.
  • Poor lighting conditions have been noted to lengthen flowering duration in some strains, thereby decreasing long term production.
  • I'd also note that this would probably be one of the most labor intensive and time consuming gardens imaginable. Many hours cloning, many hours trimming, many hours monitoring and dialing in conditions.
I'm open for correction on any of my thoughts and opinions. I don't think this infeasable, but I don't personally believe this to be the best tek out there, at least not worth the increased risk.


Well-Known Member
Good observations. I don't disagree with a word.

I did finally get the info from drbud's box yields and while he did break a gram/watt and pulled 1.2lbs on some 500w of cfl's. And did average exactly 7 grams dry per plant, but didn't reach the spacing goals so little better than traditional methods and not looking like it's worth the effort for me to try it now.

Seems that I already need a new plan, and any ideas are welcome. I'm leaning towards going vertical.