OutDoors to Indoors to Outdoors

Hey guys, going to try something new wondering if anybody has done this or has any knowledgeable advice. Ive been growing them outside and now I am going to move them inside to 12-12 to start budding them for a few days then going to move them back outside. My thinking is that I can start them budding early outside and get bigger buds.


Well-Known Member
it will work . just bring the pots in at 7 am an back out at 7 pm an they will trigger.
indoors will work too .but dont burn them with the sun putting them back out .
i reccomend at LEAST 2 weeks to fully trigger them
Im going to take them inside and leave them in darkness for 2 days then turn the lights on. Ive always done Hydroponics, this was my first time growing outside and man slugs, Aphids and a slew of other problems like security, I guess the only benefit to growing outside in cost. What I wonder is when I put them back outside (if I do, might just leave them inside) but if I put them back outside will they stay in flowering mode or will the fact its July confuse them and fuck them up?
Also I ran into some security problems,Only myself and two other people know about the garden but a 3rd person happened to stumble across it, i had concerns so I emptied the green house to 5 plants and moved all the rest to a mossy like swampy area and planted the buckets an inch or so down into the mossy water. I figured they should get water up from below through the holes in the bucket but would it be too much water?