Outdoors light problem?

Green Side

Active Member
I've been reading all I can about outdoor growing before I go and actually do it. I've picked my spot and everything, but I just realized that there is a street light (my neighborhood is lined with them) and it's shining on that spot every night!:evil:

Will this cause any problems for my plants?

Thank you! =D


New Member
yes it probly will,

plants need 12 hours of uninterupted darkness to start flowering, which is where you could run into some trouble

and also somthing you may want to think about, if theres a street light above your marijuana plant, that means there is a high possibility that people will be visiting this site, ex. the street light goes out and somone needs to go repair it


Well-Known Member
Not only will it cause problems for your plants I would think that you wouldn't want to grow in under a spot light. Find some place a little less obvious.


Well-Known Member
I don't how far away your street light is. Ideally, you want absolute darkness but I would imagine the lumens reaching the plant would be negligible, certainly not enough to grow under. If the plant grows up under those conditions, it will adapt. What screws it up is if it's accustomed to absolute darkness and then you introduce a light, even a weak one, during dark period. What about just adding a little temp screen at night to shield the plant? Maybe you can just place it in a cardboard box pointing away from the light. Make sure you have ventilation in the box.


Well-Known Member
Buy your self a BB/pellet Gun and shoot the f*ckin light out. leave it in during veg but smash it every time they fix it during flower. POP POP HEHEHEHE


Well-Known Member
That's all he needs, a bunch of utilty men climbing light poles looking into his backyard. Not to mention when they file a police report for vandalism and the pigs start patrolling the area.

A couple weeks ago, I came home and there was a cop car out front of our house. My heart skipped a couple beats but I played it cool. Next day he was back out there again. I starting getting 'noid and almost killed my 2 girls. I found out someone ratted on the neghborhood teens for hanging out in their car getting high in their driveway and one of them got busted. I think the cops were monitoring their house. We haven't heard or seen any of the punkass kids since.

Green Side

Active Member
not to mention this kid needs to find a better spot to grow
The spot I chose wasn't bad at all, it wasn't visible to anyone. You may think that because it was by a street light that it was in a real obvious spot, but it really wasn't, it was surrounded by tall trees, medium-sized plants, and small plants, some pretty exotic. I could easily have planted some weed there and nobody would have noticed. ;)

Anyhow, I've found a better spot altogether, thanks for the info though, guys. :)


Active Member
I had a plant a few yrs ago about 15' horizontal feet and about 30' from bulb to plant from a streetlight which flowered ok....I think outdoor plants get "used" to any night lighting that is constant...you could also request that a reflector be put on it (most cities will do this at no charge) or try to reach it with a can of black spray paint if you can (paintball gun?)