Outdoor Temperature?


Well-Known Member
what's the lowest average daily temperature did any of you grow in? also, when should i plant my crop?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor

You will have more problem with summer heat than cold temperatures. I saw a crop get ravaged last year in San Diego during a 3 day 115 degree heat spell.. the plants pulled through and harvested 6 ounces each in 8 gallon containers grown outside..



Well-Known Member
i live in southern califronia to and the best time here is around april perfect weather for the plants they do good.:hump:


Well-Known Member
that heat wave bout took me out. 17 plants 6' 6gallon pots. i was watering twice daily. morning and evening. poor plants looked microwaved. tried to cover then with a big huge beach umbrella. wind blew it over snapped 2 main stalks. then the humidty. i'm having second thoughts about my outdoor this year. greenhouse?


Well-Known Member
lol that sucks mate's. up here in canada, Late-May, June, July, August, are our hotter months, we get freezing temperatures, and snow half way threw october... so its hard to grow outhere because june,july,august are the hottest here like 25-35'C most of the days, and the hot days are atleast 38'C sometimes. So its hard to work with it, when i plant outdoors here i plant April-May-June. those months work good cause there isent to many days above 35C in june.


Well-Known Member
bongsmilie this is what i love about southern california, it has the best ideal weather for harvesting during the summer


Well-Known Member
hey i live in northern nj when do u think would be the best time to plant then harvest?im very confused of how long i should wait to harverst