Outdoor Super Silver Haze - photos - Feedback pleeeease!¬


Hi guys

I have been bumbling around on here for a while gleaing all the hints and tips I have needed in order to gro my first ever crop! I live in Andalucia, spain, so plenty of sun for my little babies!!:mrgreen:

However, no quite sure when to harvest. On the pack and tinternet it says end of Oct... Is this true? Can anyone look at these pics and give me an idea.

ALso you will notice on one of the photos that some of the bud has gone brown, and other bud, right next to it, hasnt styarted yet! We did have a warm strong wind the other day, could this have affected it...?

Anyway, thanks a lot, hoepfully youll tell me its ready (though I doubt it) and then I can get smoking it!! My best plant id about 7 foot tall, and looking good, but dont want to crop too early....:-?

Big Al Strain19092011416.jpg19092011423.jpg19092011417.jpg19092011419.jpg19092011418.jpg19092011421.jpg19092011420.jpg19092011422.jpg


Cheers TMH

So I guess I'll feed them for flowering for 2 more weeks, and then crop in 4 weeks - they are gonna be massive in 4 weeks I reckon!

My christmas tree the right way up here



Wheezer - they are looking sweet - I think next year I am going to start earlier - I put my seeds in on the 20th May, which was a bit too late in hindsight... basically because aslthough it doesnt really rain here all theat much, by the middle of Oct, i is possible, and i dont suppose the rain is much good for these bad boys...



Well-Known Member
Wheezer - they are looking sweet - I think next year I am going to start earlier - I put my seeds in on the 20th May, which was a bit too late in hindsight... basically because aslthough it doesnt really rain here all theat much, by the middle of Oct, i is possible, and i dont suppose the rain is much good for these bad boys...

No Alex, it's not. That's the worst thing about this strain, especially this pheno, is that it's soooo dense, it retains moisture very easily and can get bud rot bad.


No Alex, it's not. That's the worst thing about this strain, especially this pheno, is that it's soooo dense, it retains moisture very easily and can get bud rot bad.
Hmmm, I will bear that in mind ... it is a dry part of the world and everything is dry as a bone at the mo, but that could all change in 4 weeks ... Would it be a good idea to build a little tarp roof for them if rain is forecast, or is it the damp in the air, humidity you refer to...?



Well-Known Member
yup, humidity too high in the air will even cause rot in it. I would cover for sure if you can, and shake em' good if they do get wet. good luck, they look great!



I checked out your grow from last year, and have been reading through it!! wow!! I just got to the part about the carports, and keeping th erain off!!! - I htink i will invest, and I dont need as many as you, 1 should do it, for this year!!! :)


Active Member
They look good man... SSH is some bomb fire too... Invest in a cheap 30X microscope if you can and keep a close eye on your trich structure... I chop mine when they start turning white to an amber color... Great looking plants tho


BigFat Dude

Cheers. now i am off to search the forums for 'trich structure' - I have seen it mentioned many occasion, but never detaield - so I guess there is more than 1 place on here that has spoken about it! so cheers.

I noticed that a lot of the white nodes are turning brown, which is why i originlly posted, as it seemed esrly - but judging by the guys in the know on here, i've got a few weeks to go anyway which is great cos they should grow some yet, but the neggy is coming rain, and possible tealeaving (thieving) arseholes who have been known to wander over the hills I live on. My neighbour (like 500m) got his jacked last year - 8 beauties. However, my positives are:

1) No-one knows. (or at least I hope and think), cos some people do know, wife, dad, you lot!)
1.5) Cant see them from road
2) Fence to jump over to get to said MJ's.
3) (This is the clincher) Two big ass dogs between the scum and the plants. You know, big snarling, large toothed, aggresive...... golden retriever and labrador! (This did have a downside until i put 'protection' around plant, as dogs started pissing on it!!)

Ive learned loads from this forum, throughout the process. Looking at wheezer's last yr grow, I realise now I should have perhaps topped them a few times, will do that next yr for sure, guess its a bit late now!!bongsmiliebongsmilie


The buds are smelling lovely now, crystals and resin forming all over the place.... we had a bit of rain yesterday, but it was breezy and then the sun came out, so I think they should be ok..... Just need a few more weeks of sun! Have not got round to buying a carport, dont know if i will bother now..... Hindsight is a great thing tho!


I am sitting in my living room now, a good 30 m from my little babies, and I can smell it just breezing thru the house. Now the F1 is about to finish, I may as well roll up a fatty ;)


i dnt think is wrong, imo its no different than having ur kid smell some wild flowers, its the rest of the world that makes it out to be evil,
Yeah, i agree, the funny bit is when she pulls, or squeezes the buds too much, I have to say "Ahhhh, don't be mean to the flowers", so she gives them a kiss and a hug to make them feel better! Comes back into the house stinking of it!! ;)