Outdoor plot prep?


Well-Known Member
But how remote a location would it have to be to prepare a 8' x 8' (64sq ft) plot, then have 6, 8, 12....plants growing there for most of the spring, summer and early fall...???

Unless you live in a log cabin and have an existence like Grizley Adams or Dances with Wolves, that plot is going to be a tourist attraction.

One hole here, another hole there....
Seems far more realistic, to me.

But I live in England and I am unused to the sheer space that many Americans can utilise.
At some point I hope to spend a year on an uninhabited Scottish island and do a plot grow.

Just me, at first sleeping in a tent while I do basic renovations to an abandoned cottage.
Then, motor boat to nearest inhabited Island to buy groceries, every few weeks.

I would take camera equipment and wildlife books - make people believe I was doing some kind of National Geographic study.

I think I would actually enjoy the solitude of living alone on an island....
Thanks for the input bud and ya I'm pretty secluded where my grow is located outdoors


Yeah the site is in Mich near Devils Lake im gonna survey a plot Id like to take two blocks of Pro-Mix and two blocks of coco probably FF trio starting with Grow Big then a mix of Tiger and Big Bloom but tiger is super hot and I really don't know what else to use outside I usually use Miracle gro I used some orchid food last year its like 30-5-5 so its loaded with nitrogen. It produced nicely but I barely used it.