Outdoor Growing


Active Member
Hey this is my first time growing and I just have a few questions. Im going to be getting 3 clones and growing them outside in a forest. Obviously im going to find a well hidden spot with plenty of sunlight. Im going to be going to my local headshop soon in order to pick up the proper soil, could anyone tell me what type of soil I should look out for? Im also aware that I need other stuff in order for my plants to grow healthy but I have no idea what that is? Could anyone just tell me the basic stuff I should pick up or any other tips you might have for a first time grower. I really dont need alot and would prefer the cheapest stuff I can get.
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Active Member
Thanks, but alot of that is for indoor growing and is hard to find what im looking for. I just need someone to tell me the bear neccessities I need to pick up in order to grow a healthy plant and any other tips they might like to add.