Outdoor growing - What nutrients to use on the plants?

the don

Active Member

We have six bush plants growing outside in the garden. Last harvest we managed to grow good gear; but this time we want to do it better.

Is there any form of nutrients we can add to the plants in order to make them more potent? We've heard about a black substance that's quite gooey and brushed on buds. It is often used by growers in the north of California (We live down under)


The Don.


Well-Known Member
what sort of stuff did you use this past summer? ferts and soil (native). soil amendments that sort of thing.


Well-Known Member
chems arent that bad if u get the right numbers for the stage the plants are in aslong as there flushed right rember all fertilizers chem or organic break down into nitrates and that is what the plant is acsualy using so nitrate salts are better and you need less phosphates are a difernt story and need to be flushed well
you can use molassis in the soil towards budding and a little in vedge to get the bacteria in the soil going well

the don

Active Member
just watered with some thrive.

Consists of:

Guarenteed Analysis

Nitrogen (N) as nitrate 3%
Nitrogen (N) as ammonium 2.6%
Nitrogen (N) as urea 21.4%

Total nitrogen 27%
Total phosphorus as water soluable 5.5%
Total potassium as nitrate 9%

That was on the back of the box. We mix that with the water and water the plants accordingly and they reside outside in the sun.

This is why we are curious about this black substance.


Well-Known Member
there would be amonuim nitrate in that
for every 100 grams becase of the phosphat content it would be potasuim phohate becase it is more insoulbe
so the contents would be
22% urea
5 % amonuim nitrate
15% potasuim phohate
and the rest inuret materal if u just buy the chemicals it is about 10 times cheaper i can break down anyfertilizer into the compounds if u have the npk percentages and a few of the ingredeants in order
so the npk numbers on the bag would be

the don

Active Member
Can you please break down the whole concept of NPK and what NPK numbers would suit my grow?

Basically what you're saying is that there is a kind of fertilzer that's more suited to the plants?

Thanks for your reply btw.


There is no magic formula to make cannabis more potent. Good genetics and healthy plants will get you the most potent cannabis, but the main factor is the genetics.


Well-Known Member
yep fertlizers just give it the nutrents it needs to grow some do organice some like the other rought
npk stands for nitrogen phosphours and potasuim for vedge( higher nitrogen and higher but not quite as high phosphors low potasuim)
for budding(high phosphours and potassuim very low nitrogen if any at all) gentics make a large differnce and so dose the size of the wholes and the typ of the grow medeuim there more inportant than the fertilizers also aproate amouts of water