Outdoor Growing Question


Active Member
Hey I have seeds that i'm ready to grow but is it too late if I grow them outdoors? They are feminized so I wouldn't worry about a bad batch but would I even get much from the plants this late in the season? I live in the northeast region of the US. Any comments would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
you could grow them now yes but the overall production of the plant is going to be low as hell...where were you months ago? you have about a month or so of vegging depending on where you live then its flowering time...you need to give your plants a least 2 months of good vegging if you want to expect something worth your grow...


Well-Known Member
haha 2 oz?? are you kidding...you'll be lucky if you get a half ounce with all of them.. it all depends on the variables..weather, lighting, nutrients, time..etc...

I grew a couple years ago...started in march and picked in spetember...got an ounce from each 4.5ft plant...it all depends