Outdoor growing in canada


Well-Known Member
Can someone please help me. My plants have been budding for about 2 weeks now and i am not sure when they will be ready for harvesting. No clue the strain.


Active Member
thats a funnyass avatar murrdawg! used to watch that show when i was a kid! apparently i missed THAT episode...


Well-Known Member
I'm in Ontario as well, usually start harvesting at the end of the month depending on strain. Our weather really tells us when it's time to pull them out. (Mold and frost)


Well-Known Member
I have to agree with freddiemoney. Have pulled a few early in the past because of cold november rain and BUD ROT!


Well-Known Member
Can anyone tell me what strain our plant is when some of the buds are purple, some of the buds are red and some have white hairs; all on the same plant? My husband thinks its a skunk but we have no clue. And thanks freddiemoney for the time to harvest. Also how can you tell bud rot, or when its going moldy, so we know what to watch for.


Well-Known Member
Hard to tell strain w/o pictures. Bud rot is when your buds do just that, rot! They'll turn brown and mushy just like a rotting flower on other plants. If you have rainy or damp conditions your girls will be more prone to getting it.


Well-Known Member
Keep an eye out for leaves coming out of your tops that are suddenly hanging limp and often discoloured. The mold will usually be all over the stem or inside the bud. Cut the area right off, even if it's a big loss. I find mold to be the biggest threat in Ontario....lost lbs and lbs


Well-Known Member
Canadas a huge country and it differs from the long growing seasons in BC to the impossible growing seasons of the far north. It really all depends on where you are in Canada, and the strain you have. In Southern Ontario you usually have a long enough growing season, for most shorter flowering strains. But In the prariers where I live you need auto flowering strains, were probably going to have our first frost in the next week or so.

If your forecast is predicting a hard frost you might want to dig your plant up, and finish the flowering indoors. Getting to your plant and covering and uncovering your plant can be a pain in the ass, and your plant sometimes wont make it.


Well-Known Member
Can we bring our plant in while its flowering? We are concerned about it being taken so we are thinking of bringing it in, but we are worried it'll die. Can anyone help us and let if and how we can do it.:-?
got a problem with my outdoor babies ...... i have read that a hermi plant is a bit rare but i have 7 of 7 hermi lol did i use bad seeds or what ?

also about what yeild might i expect from 7 6 footers in canada climent i believe there in about week 4 of flower any help is good thanks.