outdoor grow little sun


ive got a small outdoor grow going (10) plants not enough time has passed to be able to tell how many fems ill get but i imagine about 5..anyway i live in a semi rural area but i dont have any spots i can leave it in direct sun. suggestions? also where is a good place to buy planting pots online for cheap? 3-5 gallon thnks! :-P


Well-Known Member
I would check with your local nursery for pots. I get mine for free. As far as the direct sun issue goes, pot will grow in the shade, just not well. I have four of mine in an area that only gets about 4 hrs of direct sun per day. I average about 2 oz per plant. The ones that are get around 6 hours are averaging around 4 oz. Without some direct sun, you probably won't get much yield. You might be better off with cfl's indoors.


Active Member
you can trim back other veg. but if you cut back to many big limbs the new wood could be seen by prying eyes