Outdoor grow in UK - advice needed


Active Member
i'd wait untill they finish being little seedlings, maybe 3 weeks, make sure the root structure is beefy enough and then the soil won't fall to pieces when your repotting the little bastards. maybe this will mean they dont grow quite as much untill that 3 weeks is up but next time maybe put them in the big pots straight away



Yo raggae, its up to you when you want to put em out really... depending on your circumstances. If you can have them under an indoor grow light for a couple of weeks thats probably the most ideal situation. I've got some autos out already, and we've had a pretty crappy week weather wise (cold) their growth has probably slowed a little due to it but they are fine really. You might want to try putting them outside during the day for a bit just to get them used to it and bring them in at night, wind is good for building up strong healthy stalks, whereas they might tend to stretch inside and have weaker stalks. You could also cut some clear pop bottles in half and place them over your seedlings to act as mini greenhouses. That will also keep them a bit warmer.
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Yo raggae, its up to you when you want to put em out really... depending on your circumstances. If you can have them under an indoor grow light for a couple of weeks thats probably the most ideal situation. I've got some autos out already, and we've had a pretty crappy week weather wise (cold) their growth has probably slowed a little due to it but they are fine really. You might want to try putting them outside during the day for a bit just to get them used to it and bring them in at night, wind is good for building up strong healthy stalks, whereas they might tend to stretch inside and have weaker stalks. You could also cut some clear pop bottles in half and place them over your seedlings to act as mini greenhouses. That will also keep them a bit warmer.
Hey Tank, thanks for your post - I've put them out now into bigger pots - I'll see what happens! Hopefully they'll be ok :-)
The mini greenhouse thing is a good idea - will look into that. Have you got a grow journal? I'd love to check it out!



Active Member
hey reggae, glad to here you put them in bigger pots allready, i'm worried that my gallon pots are too small but they are just autoflowerings variaties so my fingers are crossed that im not stunting the poor things. heres to a healthy harvest :-)

also at least my pots look shit hot now they've been spraypainted lol


Active Member
oh and hope repotting wasnt tooo stressful i fucking hate having to do that...


Looking good my friend!

What size pots are you using? And when did you put them out? Is this a UK grow?

thanks mate ye im in south east i probly started a bit to early around early april but there doing ok i only veged outside there now flowering under a 600 watt hps i was going to flower outside but i need to finish them up early im thinking about doing a big giulera grow next year check this strain it says it does well in a candian climate wich is alot like ours

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