Outdoor grow how to force flower


Well-Known Member
I will begin force flowering in about one month from now.
i see the white hairs on the branches so its a female and i am planing on covering it with a plastic trash basket, i will have ventilation covered with black cloth so i will not let any light in. is this a good technique?

or if i place it in a closet will i need fans?

i plan on flowering for 40 days at least, i have an indica strain bagseed! im excited!


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt think you would need fans if the temp isnt that high. idk seems like a plan but it is a good bit of extra work with less bud, but also bud alot earlier


Well-Known Member
well the thing is i only have my backyard for the summer than my dad is coming back so cant have shit growing so i have no choice...

how much bud do you estimate, its an indica 4 months, but i keep it small and i have a small pot for it ill force flower a month from now... if its like at least a qrtr ounce thats worth it, and it would be a nice learning experience growing your own WEED!


Well-Known Member
yea i agree every year you grow you will get better atleast. so its like putting in your time to get good results


Active Member
Its my experience that if you plant in a location with alot of late afternoon shade your plants will enter flowering stage sooner.

As for forcing them in the field, good luck with that. I wouldn't bother even trying. Let mother nature take its course.


Well-Known Member
im bored so imma try it on one plant in about 3-4 weeks whenever it grows its branches i just topped it like 3 days ago


Active Member
this is intresting i just moved from Greensboro NC to charleston SC. I brought my plants with me and yes it did stress them quite a bit, and theyre still recovering from being in a full sunny field to getting partial sun in the forest. My biggest just started preflowering yesterday, and from the looks of it it is indeed hermi.

I have also tried bringing outdoor grows inside and vice versa, and unless u use extreme caution u could end up not havng any plant. Outdoor ones require more sun and minerals while indoor ones are flemsy and will break in even a gentle breeze but compensate by producing thicker more potent buds (assuming your using the proper lighting, ex 400w HPS).

It is also true that once you break the 14 hours of light or less cycle it will revert to vegetative stage. Ive read that even a few minutes of anything more than a full moon will do this, but ive had plants ive moved from shady spots to sunny ones and had different results, but they were also different strains, sexes, and ages. Still i wouldnt give it anything more than 16 hours for a day or two at most. Again, ive had outdoor grows in bloom that were in the shade, and moved them to full sun and the flowers died off within a week and it started growing faster than ever for another month, while others stayed in flower (one exception is my purple pineapple-the flowers started to die off then came back thick and slow, and simultaneously was in a slowed down vegetative stage)

Naturally here in NC/SC, most of your plants should start preflowering around mid july (now) to early august, females in bloom by late august-early september and expect an outdoor harvest around mid september-mid october. (If you can manage to keep them alive through november you can impress some fools by turning it purple.)

O, and hey im J, migrating from weedguru.com
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ultimate procrastinator

Well-Known Member
This thread just confuses me. I thought plants started to flower outdoors before the 12/12 sunlight schedule starts. If they started at 12/12 no one would be able to harvest anywhere north of Pennsylvania, because 12/12 doesn't start until mid September; harvest would end up being mid november at the earliest? Am I wrong?


Well-Known Member
Bl4zn101 thanks for the insight on my area of growth it really helps to know someone that knows his shit around here but anyways ultimate proscrastinator it isnt always 12/12 those are just the rite perfect times for indoors but outdoors sometimes frost can occur so the times adapt


Active Member
some strains will stay in flower. most will revert back to veg. you can bring them in for a couple hours in the evening then put them back out once it's dark out. whatever it takes to get them 12 hours of dark a day should work.

i put a lot of plants out early this year. some started to flower because the days weren't long enough yet. most have turned back to vegging now. except this one. it's almost done.
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one of mine are in the same boat i was wondering if I should just let it keep going outside still getting light from 6am till 9pm

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Well-Known Member
actually 13 or 14 hours of light will induce flowering. like abwhite86 said, it doesnt have to be 12/12, that's just optimal for indoors.

anyway nice to see you here bl4zn. what the hell happened to wg? any idea? i bout killed my keyboard when i kept trying to type in weedguru.com and got some stupid advertising bs.


Active Member
I had one of my plants revert just like that. I'm curious to see what it produces because the little shoots on the top seem so much different and closer together than regular vegetative growth. what kind of flowers do these reverted plants produce?


Active Member
actually 13 or 14 hours of light will induce flowering. like abwhite86 said, it doesnt have to be 12/12, that's just optimal for indoors.

anyway nice to see you here bl4zn. what the hell happened to wg? any idea? i bout killed my keyboard when i kept trying to type in weedguru.com and got some stupid advertising bs.

yo cus good to c u here, i just joined. Yea, animal posted about a month ago that its in ned of funding (www.weedguru.com :: Log in). i think they paid it off but sometimes it takes a couple of days/weeks for the webhost to get it straight. u mean this advertisement? http://tokerlounge.com/ (another stoner site i used to be on/helped make)

This thread just confuses me. I thought plants started to flower outdoors before the 12/12 sunlight schedule starts. If they started at 12/12 no one would be able to harvest anywhere north of Pennsylvania, because 12/12 doesn't start until mid September; harvest would end up being mid november at the earliest? Am I wrong?
like they said 12/12 is optimal not necessary. also note many strains have the feral ruderalis genes mixed in (noteworthy are "super columbian" and "lowryder") which can flower at almost any time, often influenced by plant maturity/health, rather than light cycle. (alot of times these are also the plants that are short and dont reek of ganja, tho generally speaking their potency is weaker than fullblooded indicas) its a trade off; sacrifice some thc and gain more desireable/low profile growing patterns.

see Cannabis sativa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Well-Known Member
yes thats true, plants can still flower at 14/10, 12/12 is just optimal for indoors.

14 hours of light will make your buds leafy but still very potent. i also heard if you give your plant 14/10 halfway through flowering will make your buds fluffy ,potent and ripe faster...someone correct me if im wrong

im going to try this technique on my plant, its 20 days into force flowering, ill leave it outside on its own on july 30 when the light is 14/10 naturally.


New Member
what if i bring them in at 7pm them bring them out at 9pm when its dark that way i dont have to put them back out at 7 am
Hell yeah!! That's what I do. That way when the sun comes up (the best time for your plant) your girl will be waiting.

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Well-Known Member
dont forget to to do it EVERYDAY! smoking does not help either! so farnever missed a day but was late 20 min..


Well-Known Member
yea you have to make this a daily thing and it requires a lot of TIME too much really to fuck with it unless your smoking real good sativa


Well-Known Member
some strains will stay in flower. most will revert back to veg. you can bring them in for a couple hours in the evening then put them back out once it's dark out. whatever it takes to get them 12 hours of dark a day should work.

i put a lot of plants out early this year. some started to flower because the days weren't long enough yet. most have turned back to vegging now. except this one. it's almost done.
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Well hell.

I guess you learn something new every day. I really wouldn't have seen that happening. What strain?