Outdoor Grow 2019


Well-Known Member
Neem oil is great. I have used it often.

Be sure to use warm water and I use dish soap and kelp juice as a mix when I spray.

Use early and Do Not use during flower unless it's very early on.

It will affect the taste and smell if it remains inside the bud.
It's not a smell you'll likely forget.
Thanks, have been looking into a lot ! seems to be very popular!


Well-Known Member
How does neem oil work?
Neem oil is made of many components. Azadirachtin is the most active. It reduces insect feeding and acts as a repellent. It also interferes with insect hormone systems, making it harder for insects to grow and lay eggs. Azadirachtin can also repel and reduce the feeding of nematodes. Other components of neem oil kill insects by hindering their ability to feed. However, the exact role of every component is not known.


Well-Known Member
Why do you suppose that leaf is curled? I have a couple on one of my MOB that did that. It doesn't seem to have affected anything. It's flowering nicely.
Honestly I'm not sure, it's my first time seeing it as well on any of my plants. I've seen pictures of curled leaves like that in other grows but no information as to why it happens. The strain is a hso Amherst, maybe the genetics doesn't like the outside or some kinda nutrient deficiency?