Outdoor Grow 2010

New Grower 420

Active Member
so i have 4 plants 1 thats a month and a few days anouther that is close to a month and 2 sprouts im guna post pics of the oldest one ill get pics of the others on here soon


New Grower 420

Active Member
does it look like any particular strain? it smelled realy piney and tasted sweet/piney realy light green bud with dark red hairs

New Grower 420

Active Member
103_4095.jpgView attachment 1085368103_4085.jpg103_4098.jpg103_4100.jpg103_4090.jpg103_4094.jpg103_4099.jpgso its been awhile since i updated i havent had a camera but i got mine back today so i decided to show off the ladies. Started off with 4 now have 2 one was a male and one of the sprouts disapeared no clue what happend to it lol but one of the sprouts did survive and its now the tallest plant you see, the shorter plant in the pictures is actully the oldest and its the one you see as a wee little sprout in the first set of pictures. Duno why the younger one is so much bigger but it was outa pritty good pot really seedy so it wasint very strong looked pritty though like if it hadent been exposed to a male it would have made some nice pot and the shorter one came of of some FUNK look and felt like some good hydro just had seeds in it. All in all im happy with my first grow so far.
master kush., and yes i will post pics as soon as i get a digitsl cam.

btw, do you think it is possible to vegetate a plant for 4-5 months. guess the yield would be huge but then when exactly does a plant know when to flower. if you are not manipulating light cycles or any of that.