outdoor during day


Well-Known Member
why are my plants turning color since ive been putting them outside a few days ago? are they going to turn yellow or is this natural for all the growth inside the leaves to turn light green ? why is this?


Well-Known Member
pics would help and were they grown inside? it could be that the sun has burnt them if thay were inside growing and then sat outside


New Member
he said yellow ..so i dont think it has 2 do with it being cold...could be nutrient build up in the soil...unless your close to budding...try flushin ur plants.

3 gallon pot = 6 gallon of waater...


Active Member
My guess would be burnt by the sun, but pics would help or a better description of where the yellow is starting. This time of year if they are outside you are going to gets lots of yellowing on your fan leaves as they start to bud out.


New Member
My guess would be burnt by the sun, but pics would help or a better description of where the yellow is starting. This time of year if they are outside you are going to gets lots of yellowing on your fan leaves as they start to bud out.
i doubt its the sun...its been gettin cold outside so heat doesnt have n e thing to do...its gotta be nutrient build up


Well-Known Member
its been in the low 70s outside and clear most of the time. but theyve only been outside not even a week and the leaves are turning color. my other plants in my closet are unaffected and i have been feeding them 6-4-4 along with the ones that are turning green/yellow for the last 3 weeks. even 2 other plants that ive put out side for the past 2 days are doing the same thing. all those leaves along the stem are turning greenwhich will probly turn yellow.


New Member
its been in the low 70s outside and clear most of the time. but theyve only been outside not even a week and the leaves are turning color. my other plants in my closet are unaffected and i have been feeding them 6-4-4 along with the ones that are turning green/yellow for the last 3 weeks. even 2 other plants that ive put out side for the past 2 days are doing the same thing. all those leaves along the stem are turning greenwhich will probly turn yellow.
maybe its time to transplant idk?


Well-Known Member
cant be root rot. but today it rained all day and there was a little green coming back this evening when i brought them in. i still would like to know what is causing this.