Outdoor competition 08


Well-Known Member
Update: i biked down to my plot and took some pic's. there was a nasty storm a couple days ago and i thought i would check up on them to see if there was any serious damage. luckily my plants were strong enough and did not take any damage from the storm, although there was some visible bug damage, not too bad thoe.

and i check on my Male Plant as well.

is it normal for a male plant to be forming pods this early? non of the other plants have shown signs of sex besides this one. hopefully this means that all my other plants are female :)

any advice for the bugs?


Well-Known Member

My biggest plant (the one taller than my 3ft machete) turned out to be a dude, and I had to chop it down. I am in tears about now. I laminated a leaf and put RIP and some other stuff.

But I put a fem in its place so Im happy bout that.


Well-Known Member
:) im not gonna win but i ain't givin up.

Picture 1 and 2 are of Plant #3. Plant #1 and #2 got eaten so she's(i hope) all I have left for the outdoor comp. She was transplanted from her spot by the river to my other spot near the plains. it took me a week of not seeing any growth to finally move her but she seems happy now.

Bonus Pics 3 and 5 are of one of the plants i started indoors and moved outside. She topped herself and she smell so nice too. I'm 70% sure its gonna be female because i saw mini pistil like things near both her tops

Bonus pic 4 is of that small plant that held the slug at bay. I'm calling her "High Hopes" and she started indoors as well. I'm having an insect problem with her though and i read around here somewhere neam oil would help. so i guess tomorrow ill go out and buy some.

today Plant #3 is about 50 days old and the ones started inside are about 40 so they are kinda small but they still have all of July to grow. :joint:



Well-Known Member
What strain is that FDD.

How come all the pictures i see in a more "tropical" area, have that light green color to them rather then the dark green?


Well-Known Member
everyones plants are looking good = )

My kahuna started flowering = (, was hopin it was get a bit bigger before doing so, but im just going to let it finish out. Ill have some pictures up soon of my girls = )


Well-Known Member
is it too late for me to enter? There are three seedlings, they all sprouted 06-07-08... the one in the far back is a Granddaddy purps clone that got severely windburn and heat stressed during transport (cutting was taken May 10th). Since mine all sprouted later, does that change anything? What do you think?


Well-Known Member
yeah you can enter, what three you entering?

is it too late for me to enter? There are three seedlings, they all sprouted 06-07-08... the one in the far back is a Granddaddy purps clone that got severely windburn and heat stressed during transport (cutting was taken May 10th). Since mine all sprouted later, does that change anything? What do you think?


Well-Known Member
LOOKIN GREAT Orange shovel.

MY friend had a plant that looked similar in characteristics until his other friend that he praised for being such a good grower, topped his plant about a month ago completely wrong, and it turned hermie.

His was bag-seed (i found the seed, out of my kush stash and gave it to him) and his stock was hugeeee! It also had "ripples" in the stock as yours does.

Good luck everyone.