Out with the OLD, toke with the NEW



A majority of people don't know shit about Cannabis and how it's good for you.

And it IS good for you.

My topic today is...

HOW are we going to get around to getting those ignorant sheeple jabronis to stop acting like we're criminals and degenerates?

I mean Carl Sagan, one of the smartest people ever (ever, ever) is a pothead.

Cannabis ain't got nothing to do with laziness. A lazy person will be a lazy person even if they don't use the Buddha. It just moves you to do what you really want to do.

It's not a crime if there's no victim. You can't argue that the user is the victim because whoever is using it is doing it out of their own choice. You CAN'T even die from Cannabis.

Shit, you can die from COPS and WORK. Why don't we make those illegal?

I'm just a little POed cause I feel like most of the people I know are assbackwards thinking ignorant morons. :wall:

I don't even take medicine. If anything's wrong with me, I just make a cannabis cookie and I turn out fine.

A little Bill Hicks for truth comedy...





Well-Known Member
It's education.
When people are taught about drugs they are given propaganda instead of facts, scare tactics instead of common sense.
Until the way people are educated about drugs changes, you're going to keep seeing people with knee jerk reactions.

But take heart, because kids under 25 are buying into the bullshit a lot less. People think today's youth are being ruined by this and that, the same as every stodgy generation thought before us. But the kids are smart and questioning things more than ever.

They're turning their backs on propaganda and looking for answers elsewhere, and now they're able to find it. They're turning away from the war on drugs, religion, guilt-free capitalism, and starting to think about what's true and what impact they are having on the world.

Every time a kid commits a terrible crime it gets broadcast across the continent on all the big news channels, but it's not because it's common. It's because whatever action it was gets viewers and viewers equals money.

The kids are all right, and they are the change that will end prohibition and hopefully take back government from the corporations.