Our First Grow ~ Cali Outdoor!


Active Member
Hey all,

We are starting our journal!

We're about 10 days in on 2 plants, 2 to 7 days on 3 others, have 2 seedlings popping today as well...lucky number 7!

Grown from seeds 2 blueberry, 2 AK, 1 from mendo, and 2 unknown.
Playing chess with them during the day, we work from home, so we're chasing the sun. around 6:30 pm we put them under 2 13 W cool CFL's till midnight.
Watering them with bottled water...

need to get some gear today, testers, etc..

any suggestions would be appreciated!

pics are ....

day 4, day 7, day 9


Active Member

Little cloudy today, but the 4 girls got some early sun, and just moved into the closet for tonight.

Still having the curling problem around 4pm everyday, I suspect they are tired. I'll take an outdoor pic tomorrow when they look good

Had 2 more sprout up the past 2 days, number 7 isn't going to make it, the shell cracked just a bit 10 days after germinating, and I threw it in a cup, nothing yet.

getting ready to transplant this week.



Active Member
Hey folks,

I have a question about watering these seedlings....

I'm using bottled water, and spraying the top of the soil till it's wet, like 3 sprays, twice a day....

is that cool, or should I just saturate the dirt every couple days?


Active Member
Looks good, babes are soaking up the sun.

I have a couple of questions about transplanting....

Some of them stretched out a little, should I bury them right up to the first set of leaves? I saw a thread about that somewhere.



Active Member

We picked up potting supplies today, and I just wanted to see if I can get someone to comment on the stretching.

They did this early on growing in the window, but since spending most of the day outside, and under fluorescents for a while longer, only 2 tubes 25 watt.

Weather is really shaping up, growth is continuous, and I think I have the water feedings adjusted, they were getting too dry I think. I started spraying some in thru the bottom of the cups as well.

Supplies picked up today:

FF ocean forest
Terra Vega nutrients
3 gallon buckets, and strainer inserts, guy at the store recommended them for root expansion, any comments?

Very excited to get going!

Attached is a side view of the stretching...my first 3 seedlings got away from me, but I have the other 3 under control.



Well-Known Member
i dont see a problem in raising the soil level too much but everything else looks good
when you transfer them make sure you soak the soil really well so it all sticks together, then turn it upside down and it should fall out after some guidance....good luck


Active Member
Thanks Brendon,

I saw a thread that said bury them at least up to the first set of leaves...Do you think I should go up that high?


Well-Known Member
maybe like half an inch less than the first set, are you keeping them outdoors during the day and bringing them in during them night? i have had good results from that with a strong strain, i live in north socal and i want to do an outdoor try but i wont put them outside till after may gray and june gloom...fucking socal...:mrgreen:


Active Member
They really looked great this morning!

we're getting our soil ready today, and transplanting, hopefully...too much work to do....



Active Member

I think he meant the sprout leaves, he was commenting on how deep to transplant, and thanks for the shout


Well-Known Member
looking great on the babies, talk to them, love them, but dont bother them! let them do theyre thing. when starting nutes use quarter strength of what the label says bring it on light then when they have a tollerance to the nutes bring it on full strength. i use 3 gallon pots on mine with no transplants heres pics



Active Member

Check out these pots...

I told the guy at the hydro store when I was getting supplies, and that I was growing outdoor....

He recommended these pots with the inserts...you think they would be cool?

do you think they would work?

My wife and I work from home so we'll be here caring for them the whole time....

I do love them, I've spent the past 3 weeks like a fulltime job....


Active Member
hey fdd

Thanks so much, we have limited space, and concerned about giants....what do you think of those strainers for outdoor.