ounce of MDMA


Well-Known Member
Nah, that is only like HUGE busts. Nothing really about getting things from the internet, especially since it wouldn't be huge amounts. (even a pound of MDMA isn't really worth their time)


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Nah, that is only like HUGE busts. Nothing really about getting things from the internet, especially since it wouldn't be huge amounts. (even a pound of MDMA isn't really worth their time)
More or less you have a valid point.. they are more concerned with the chemists buying precursors than the actual drug by far.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
IDK about that. A pound of MDMA does sound worth the time of the DEA or FBI. It is like 2250 doses.
yeah.. it's a bit, but a chemist can make a lot more pretty easily. The synthesis for MDMA really is relatively easy, so the precursors have to maintain a status of hard to get.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Niacin + Spearmint oil in [DMSO] -> Pyridine
Eugenol + Pyrdine + AlCl3 -> 4-Allyl Catechol
4-Allyl Catechol + [DCM] in [DMSO] -> Safrole
Safrole + [PdCl2] + [CuCl2] in [MeOH] -> MDP2P
Hexamine + HCl -> Methylamine
MDP2P + Al + [HgCl2] + Methlyamine -> MDMA

got a local photo store? ;-)
But that doesn't count all the money needed to buy the equipment, the work needed to do all that, possible mistakes, if it was your first synthesis, and if you were knowlegable in chemistry you would also realize how STILL difficult that would be to do outside of a fully equiped lab.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Your 18 and have a fully equipped chemistry lab??? Fuck dude your the DEA's worst nightmare......
I have very little equipment for chem, I just have friends in good places hahah. My best friends bro is obsessed with synthesizing shit, works at a lab ;-)


Oracle of Hallucinogens
eh.. you tend to learn a bit from people like that ;-) He gave me a massive line of free DPT.. told me is was "very mild, only see sparkles". Yeah fuckin cock, maybe on like 10mg's not over 100! haha

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
youd me surprised fried, as much as i dont condone MOM ive seen people get pounds and qps delivered by fedex(or ups one of them) so it may not be a scam

and also the person im waiting for to buy tabs from is waiting for them to come from the new rainbow family in calli in the mail. i cant wait...
for real


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Fuck!!!!! That'd be awesome!!! Fuckin Awesome trip! I'd be pissed afterwards cuz I didnt know it was coming but that'd be awesome.
it was awesome.. eyes open visually tripping nearly 100% normal mentally.. close your eyes, you're tripping so hard you barely know how to open your eyes. lol. But I didnt expect it.. he fealt bad, so I got a lot of cigs, a xannie, and some heddies for free (whilst tripping)
Migraines and always wakes up groggy??? Same Here!! Went to court for truancy cause I never got up to go to school. Never was awake enough to get out of bed till third period.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Migraines and always wakes up groggy??? Same Here!! Went to court for truancy cause I never got up to go to school. Never was awake enough to get out of bed till third period.
When they were bad I stayed up all week (speed) and crashed Sat & Sun.

Thankfull that wasn't often..