Oscillating clip on fans


Active Member
Shit.. good idea with the base.. I wasn't planning on adding a base to mine - was just going to add legs and call it a day. I may add a base, I think my area is small enough it would be stable without a base - not sure tho!
A base would ensure minimal friction between the hollow pipes and the reflective floor too, at least that's what my logic tells me.


Active Member
sweet man thanks, how much space should I give the tent or could I have it right up to it? How thick roughly is that pipe by the way I don't know if piping is the same here as it is there same as our weighing systems yano.....
About the thickness. I'm not sure exactly how thick the pipes are. I think schedule 40 pipe is like the 'standard', it's pretty damn strong, schedule 20 is a bit more flimsy.


Well-Known Member

that filter box ..........u know u could run a Y spilter with a set of dampers and one can go up to the fan and the other can be directed under the netting (reducing the need for a fan)


Active Member
I had thought of that, well something not far off, I just figured it to be more hassle than putting another fan in there would. My space is large enough for an extra fan or two, however if it ever gets bigger I will be looking to conserve energy although I'd have to find a way to ensure none of the air flow speed was lost when splitting.


Well-Known Member
dampers will do that

rem air travels the path of least restances..........so by making one duct longer then the other u have altered the power already ,,,,,,,,the dampners allows u to cut /close air off and cuase more force so it will redirect the easier path.........just matter of tweaking it slowly (like veritcal hold on old tvs if u are that old to rem them)


Active Member
I remember them but not sure what the age limit is for it dude I'm 21. Even if you had the dampners and one was longer than the other you'd still be losing some speed through the longer section as it has further to go, obviously it won't be much, but if it has to travel upwards this would also cause loss of speed and thus loss of good circulation, it's a very fine line.


Well-Known Member
but u are forgetting it is a lower CFM then the exhust ............so the sucking increase it ...........it should all balance out to no lose in thoery but i do not own a wind metter to do the actual testing


Active Member
haha and nor do I, I understand the theory it's just the practicality that gets me, for such a small space that is, also I have my intake powered by my 4" inline fan with the ducting sitting behind my 7" fan this gives me good circulation, I added a piece of paper and watched it go crazy before I put my plants in :eyesmoke: it was a couple of minutes before it hit the floor and even then not for long haha


Active Member

that filter box ..........u know u could run a Y spilter with a set of dampers and one can go up to the fan and the other can be directed under the netting (reducing the need for a fan)
I don't think this would work in my situation, because of my tent - it's too small. But it's still a really good idea for eliminating a fan under the scrog.

I mean it would work! I just don't have a need to split, because of the way the DR60 ports are setup. The air box will be pretty much sucking in air from about the same area the "under part" of the scrog would be.. if that makes any sense. LOL


Well-Known Member
sorry to hijack your thing

it is rare i run into someone with enought to hold a theroical chat

i got 2 things like to hear what u got to say

given the plant likes light and grows to it tring to cover as much area as it can ............what about rotating planter every 30 secs it make a 360 turn so light evenly hits all parts (no more coner yellowing do to low light )

and given there is a magnetic and natural engery current in the ground what about intro a low lvl current in the planters


Active Member
sorry to hijack your thing

it is rare i run into someone with enought to hold a theroical chat

i got 2 things like to hear what u got to say

given the plant likes light and grows to it tring to cover as much area as it can ............what about rotating planter every 30 secs it make a 360 turn so light evenly hits all parts (no more coner yellowing do to low light )

and given there is a magnetic and natural engery current in the ground what about intro a low lvl current in the planters
You mean like a lazy suzan? Having the plant on a constant slow spin under the light? This is something I thought about doing but could never find a motorized lazy suzan and realized I'd have to make my own if I wanted to do that. I think it's a good idea..

I'm not sure about your second idea, reminds me of some Nikola Tesla shit man, LOL. Does low current in plants do anything? I've never read anything about that.


Well-Known Member
i know the answer to the rotating .........i am just need to justify the cost since i have no need for the item other then that

http://www.amazon.com/Kopykake-Variable-Speed-Karousel-Turntable/dp/B004BBN330/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1376978453&sr=8-6&keywords=motorized+rotating+display+stand...............100 lbs varible up to 10 turns a min left or right

http://www.amazon.com/Arqspin-ARQ-110-10i-s-12-Photography-Turntable/dp/B00CA7SVK2/ref=pd_sim_sbs_k_3 ......................175 lbs turns every 22 secs


Active Member
I think the low lvl current would be certainly add an interesting new variation to growing and I believe that it would benefit the plant to be receiving a small pulse or current depending on the ampage of course, you wouldn't want to fry the root system nor would you want to heat up the moisture in the medium in any way causing the humidity to rise enough to cause problems with root rot. As for your other query I always rotate my plants a quarter of a turn daily, from the day the pop through to harvest. A rotary system which would keep your pots in a constant state of motion and slowly spinning would be a brilliant idea! maybe have a 5 pot system in which the 4 corner pots would orbit the central, spinning, pot. it would need adjustable speeds and maybe an override which would allow you to spin it freely, reaching the back plants easier for feeding and pruning.


Active Member
The low current would simulate the Earths natural frequency in which Cannabis is more at home, if you got this right the plants you grow will be much happier than most other indoor growers, a happier plant wants to throw more into looking her best, smelling her best and tasting her best to attract insects for pollination, resulting in fatter denser, more resinous buds. As I said though man it'd be a tricky one to get right and keep right after a good watering, add to that the corrosive minerals such as iron, zinc and magnesium and you'd have to be pretty good at chemistry and physics to get this running flawlessly and safely enough to patent and ultimately sell, or extremely lucky.


Well-Known Member
well the engery and current ...........i though about finding the spot the plants grow(the best or the plants are highly prized and envied) and taken some info gathered from there and tring to copy it ............other then the higher amount of fresh air outside ...that was the only varible i sawl no one has addressed ..............other then telsa and does it kill grass


Well-Known Member
naw i do not work that way ...............if i make some huge idea or something like that i freely give it to the ppl since most of my ideas are triggered by other ppls work so it is only right that they benifit from it to ,,,,,,,,,,,,,and hopeing they do the same and advance at a much faster rate


Well-Known Member
oh and i worked out away to do the spiinning in a hydro system .................and depends on where u are turning it clockwise and counter clockwise will make the roots flare out and branch out better...............only issuse is the airline needs a rotating contention


Active Member
Fresh air can be combated a number of ways the best I've seen is to have the room your tent is in full of house plants, there are some my brother has that if you put your face within a foot of them and take a deep breath it's like walking in the open air and when you pull away again and breath "normal air" it feels stuffy and coarser! He had 3 of these small plants in his bedroom when he was growing, the air was always fresh and I'd say more so than that polluted shit outside. They also helped with the smell a little bit though they couldn't eradicate it all and a carbon filter was needed in the end. I hope to get some myself soon although I don't know what they are called.