Oriah's Garden - SuperSoil TGA perpetual medical SCROG


Well-Known Member
And an afterthought...



Well-Known Member
killer bro, you have insired me to do something very similar with either Space bomb or KGDP Bay-11......i will share as soon as i get it together, but i have some theories i want to work on, one being using 1 20 gal. smart, but cutting the height down, and then raising it off the floor a few inches letting it sit on a screen with no saucer, so she gets full ventilation all around....i will definatly be Main-Lining for 32 heads and scrog her in 36 squares under a 400.....my goal will be zip/gal...or more....prolly settle around 10-12 total gal......so stay tuned to the Main-Lining thread, she will go in there.....again thanks for the new vids....hope they keep coming, you and your scene are a big inspiration to me.....much love, nugs


Well-Known Member
killer bro, you have insired me to do something very similar with either Space bomb or KGDP Bay-11......i will share as soon as i get it together, but i have some theories i want to work on, one being using 1 20 gal. smart, but cutting the height down, and then raising it off the floor a few inches letting it sit on a screen with no saucer, so she gets full ventilation all around....i will definatly be Main-Lining for 32 heads and scrog her in 36 squares under a 400.....my goal will be zip/gal...or more....prolly settle around 10-12 total gal......so stay tuned to the Main-Lining thread, she will go in there.....again thanks for the new vids....hope they keep coming, you and your scene are a big inspiration to me.....much love, nugs
Hell yeah buddy! i cant wait for that one brother. I have a 5 pack of Timewreck that im not sure when, but when i pop them (probably one at a time), im going to mainline them for 32. Cant wait to see your design on your screen/pot man. The 20 gals are 20" across. Thats a sweet spread. How wide are you going to make your plant/36 square screen? lol sorry if havent thought it out yet. Sounds killer man. You know ill be there!


Well-Known Member
So i went out to check out the 6 Chernobyl phenos growing outdoors... And they are looking great! They are just starting to get their smell on, and it seems we have 2full on Lime phenos, one thats a mostly lemon, 2 that smell more earthy, which im guessing is the Bloodwreck, and one.... that has been my fave growth wise for a while, and now i know why...

She smells like straight up spacequeen cherry crossed with a second wave of Limes... She has classic spacequeen scrog growth, big and wide, solid sidebranching, the biggest buds, and by far the most resin. Shes like if you mixed a cherry Spacequeen with a Lime pheno of Chernobyl, and BAM! theres a top contender for me my friends... Going to be hard bet for my needs. My #2 fav is a FULL lime pheno with the second best branching, second best resin and second biggest buds...

Mind you this is outdoors, done by a friend ommp (not really the way i would have done them ether), but it gives a me good look into what each one holds. Im still going to run each one in my setup indoors.
Now funny, my least favorite one outside, is also my least fav inside.. too tall and lanky with poor node spacing and not much side branching... no limes or fruit smell to speak of... But last night i was looking at them here in the garden (my mini mothers), and i noticed that she has, and is the only one, with straight up purple leaf stems. All others are classic green/brown... Not that that means a whole lot, just thought it was curious...
haha, GEEK'N OUT!!! :weed: Keep it Nerdy WeedNerds!
Live Love -Oriah


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2344308 Side view of current running tents... got one more going to start up in a few weeks with another Chernobyl pheno...

View attachment 2344309View attachment 2344310View attachment 2344311 My first Chernobyl pheno run, 6 days in her new pot and tent, just starting get into it...

View attachment 2344312View attachment 2344313View attachment 2344314 Sour Kush, 10 days into flower, BIG leaves for indoor it seems...

View attachment 23443159-21-12 (14).jpgAnd then my 50/50 pheno of Vortex, should be about 2 more weeks, but i dont know if she'll go that long, as early fade from my weaker super soil has her getting her end game face on quick...

9-21-12 (15).jpgThen one of 2 new screens i made, one for the new Chernobyl, and one for the new tent for the next pheno... These are IT when it comes to easy but great screens...


Well-Known Member
So check this friends... Chernobyl Dude, doin his thang outside... getting ready for some pollen collection action... I put him outside as a no branch clone, so he didnt do anything besides stretch a little and flower up... Good looking bunches though ah? Anyone got a guess as to how much longer before he is ready to open his lowers?



Well-Known Member
So check this friends... Chernobyl Dude, doin his thang outside... getting ready for some pollen collection action... I put him outside as a no branch clone, so he didnt do anything besides stretch a little and flower up... Good looking bunches though ah? Anyone got a guess as to how much longer before he is ready to open his lowers?
looks like you found a good one!....couple more days....


Well-Known Member
Waahooo!!!! They didnt have the base in today, but ill get that Saturday... Needed some more super though, and i think this will do! But GOD DAMN it STINKS!!!! fuckin just me carrying it inside, i am reekin..

9-25-12 (1).jpg9-25-12 (2).jpg


Well-Known Member
Are you using roots as your base?
Do you mean Now/Past in the mix that i made, or in the future as of Saturday? The super soil that i mixed up was 2.5 bags Roots regular, 1 bag Roots Soilless, and 1 bag Roots Greenlight. I was trying to make a better draining version, which i now was not the best idea, as it just made it not as hot. Still worked great though, just should have put more of it in each pot.

Moving forward though, i will be using TGA base, with TGA Supersoil, because i am INCREDIBILITY lucky to be within driving distance of one of the few stores that carry it currently.


Well-Known Member
Is there any TGA pre-made supersoil in Cali?? I don't see a list of current suppliers on the avengers website! I wonder if there is any to be had in the bay area??


Well-Known Member
I got it at Northern Lights Gardens. Email the tgasupersoil website, they can tell you where you might be able to get it.