Organic Super Soil Mix for Upcoming Season

I'm planning on mixing up a batch of super soil for the upcoming outdoor season and wanted to hear everyone's opinions. It will be based on the Subcool Super Soil mix, but I was more interested in looking for specific brands and products for the recipe.
Recipe goes as..
2 Large bags of Roots Organic Soil
2 Large bags of BioBizz Light Soil
15 Pounds of Worm Castings
5 Pounds of Steamed Bone Meal
5 Pounds of Bloom Bat Guano
5 Pounds of Blood Meal
3 Pounds of Rock Phosphate
3/4 Cup of Espsom Salt
3/4 Cup of Sweet Dolomite Lime (Hydrated)
1/2 Cup Azomite Trace Elements
2 TBS Powdered Humic Acid
In particular I was curious as what everyone reccomended for the brand or type of bone meal and bat guano. I know there are various brands and products out there and would just like some personal opinions on some effective ones. I also bought Garden Lime from the Home Depot but it's in pellitized form and not the hydrated the recipe calls for. I was wondering if I could just crush up the pellets or even just go with the pellets instead of using hydrated. Any advice is of course appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I'm planning on mixing up a batch of super soil for the upcoming outdoor season and wanted to hear everyone's opinions. It will be based on the Subcool Super Soil mix, but I was more interested in looking for specific brands and products for the recipe.
Recipe goes as..
2 Large bags of Roots Organic Soil
2 Large bags of BioBizz Light Soil
15 Pounds of Worm Castings
5 Pounds of Steamed Bone Meal
5 Pounds of Bloom Bat Guano
5 Pounds of Blood Meal
3 Pounds of Rock Phosphate
3/4 Cup of Espsom Salt
3/4 Cup of Sweet Dolomite Lime (Hydrated)
1/2 Cup Azomite Trace Elements
2 TBS Powdered Humic Acid
In particular I was curious as what everyone reccomended for the brand or type of bone meal and bat guano. I know there are various brands and products out there and would just like some personal opinions on some effective ones. I also bought Garden Lime from the Home Depot but it's in pellitized form and not the hydrated the recipe calls for. I was wondering if I could just crush up the pellets or even just go with the pellets instead of using hydrated. Any advice is of course appreciated.
I think you should either use powderd dolomite or try oxycal. Oh and by the way if i were you i would be adding ALOT of perlite to that heavy mix. It will aerate it. The worm castings are very dense.You might get medium stress or root rot. Instead of the bags of soil you should use Promix and 1 large bag of perlite.
I did beds indoors and i mixd

15 gallons wormcastings
1 large rare earth silicon
2 large rare earth containers full of bat guano
3 cups of oxycal
3 3.8cubic feet promix bales.

The space i used was 4x8 by 10
2inches under 10 to prevent overflow.
all wood. 2 1000 watters per 4x8.

There wasnt much drainage. Im dumb and forgot to add perlite.. duh
When you water you have to soak to soil threwly.
oh and make sure your soil is mix really good. The lime has to be powder and mixed very good to get its full effect on your entire grow medium. Its common sense. goodluck


I really like my roots organics all by itself. Great rooting, and plants are rapidly growing. I just started to use roots buddha grow, see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Hey Sticky, I am planing to do something very, very similar to yours for the Spring. My base is my garden soil I have been working far living black dirt, well composted cow manure, humanure (very well composted home compost), that is my base, then I will go kind of Sub-Cool, and add some Roots for stable dependable bulk, then lots of perlite....then my guanos from sunleaves, one part high N, two parts high P, a shit load of castings, some powdered kelp, and jersey sand, dolomite lime, little azomite, and last but not least some micorizae inoculant. I am not a big fan of bone and blood meals....energetic thing (don't no where its from, and what animals etc.) I will mix this up in April and wet it down with a home made micro-beastie tea and let it cook for a month of two. Then into the holes it will go. Will veg in that with nothing but a weak fish/kelp/casting tea (if needed). When she shows her chi-chi's, I will switch to a high P guano tea (budswell) with sucanat and watch her explode into her fullest potential. Dat's da plan brudda.
Peace, Nugs

I think your mix sounds good, but I would add about an additional 15-20% perlite to give it some air. and throw in a bit more micorizae innoculant for you bennie fungi.

Keep it Real, keep it Medicine, keep it Organic.


Well-Known Member
P.S bro, dolomite has a shit-load of Magnesium, you shouldn't need E salts, but I guess it can't hurt.