Organic ferts


Active Member
has any one ever used natures big bud organic worm castings liguid tea??if so could you give me some feedback??


Active Member
i would love all feedback b/c i just recently purchased somoe and was wondering if any has used it?? i have also been using neptunes harvest hydrolized 2-3-1 fish and seaweed and alaskian fish 5-1-1!!is this regement a good combo or is it to strong organic everything even the dirt from seed..


Active Member
Worm teas are all good as a buffer fert but you will need a more potent fert during flowering than the items you have shown.
You could use full rate worm tea,half rate fish fert and a good high p&k fert for flower. High organics is around the 1-9-10 mark.
Try liquid bat guano and wood ash tea. one lb of hard wood ash per 10 liters of water,let soak in a stocking for 24 hours.