

Active Member
hey guys. im still missing a couple of things, as in equipment. there is no stores where i am so the only option is ordering from a site. problem is i have nowhere for the order to be sent to. like a friends house. have any of you had it ordered to your house where your doing your project? is it safe? i can place the order right now but im hesitant to have it sent to my house. hope to hear from you. hopefully my friend will call or answer the damn phone.


Well-Known Member
I have. I generally think that people doing indoor grows are paranoid. Rightfully so, they should be, but some things aren't that big of a deal. To me anyway. Which end are you worried about? Every single thing I have ordered from 4 or 5 different companies, come in a plain brown box or covered box with just a persons name on the return.


Well-Known Member
what do you need? I have stuff sent to me all the time and never worry. If you are concerned about teh box it comes in ask the shipper about it. Make sure that all boxes are labeled "Adult PornoGraphic Material" it throws off the feds.......

or just verify that they ship in plain boxes.