Ordered kushberry, barneys farm LSD, and chocolope. Ideal SoG strains?


Well-Known Member
Basically the title says it all. I went for the fast flowering but still potent plants. I intend to use a 1000watt lights to cover a SoG hydroponic setup of each strain. That's 3 flowering segments under 3000 watts of hps. I'll probably use Al B. Fuct's 2x4 DIY setup for each strain.

I was just curious if anyone with experience with these strains can pipe in about potency, or suggested spacing in the hydroponic setup (i.e. if they get real bushy or form main single colas.)

I ordered these beans tonight from attitude and hopefully they will be here next week. I'll germinate when they get here, and hopefully clones will be ready to hit the flowering stage when the current stuff is done.


Active Member
I'm not sure how well Chocolope will work in a SOG setup. It is a stretchy lady with lots of branches. I've sent 6 inch rooted clones to bud and end up with 2 foot tall plants with branches all over the place. That said it is one of my favorite smokes, potent and racy. I only got 2 females and both were sweet fruity with not much chocolate flavor. With a little LST I get a bit over 2 oz per 24 inch plant in soil.


Well-Known Member
Interesting, I might sog the other two and super crop the chocolope in its own room. Thanks for the input.


Well-Known Member
Good review, I've read over it before. I've noted that quite a few of barneys farm beans seem to turn hermie. But from what I've read about LSD it's quite stable and usually doesn't herm.

They should be here next week. I'll start a new more detailed grow journal when I do.