Orchid Leaves Splitting in Half


Well-Known Member
I have been growing orchids in my grow setup and the large leaves are splitting in half. Is this normal?

Orchid Man

Well-Known Member
Oh I thought you were being covert. lol. I had that happen for a number of reasons... Im not a pro orchid man but i do a good job i like to think lol. But one was too dry of air ( i was told), And another was dry soil, And ive heard in some cases nute lock... Best bet is to go to a orchid room and ask their just crop that weed leaf out... trust me they get pissy when weed is brought up...


Well-Known Member
No im actually talking about orchids! One of my orchids is flowering under 12/12 with my other plants, ahh there beautiful!


Active Member
your orchid is a Phalaenopsis variety and one of the easiest ones to grow/care 4 which is y u c them at Home Depot, Lowes and every other place. Don't do anything w/the leaf. It looks healthy, albeit split. I'm guessing a tear somewhere along the line started the whole thing. Visit AOS (am orch soc) for more details. Phales, do better at times when ignored and unloved. If you over love them, you can easily kill them. When loving their environment, they send up spikes w/anywhere from 6-8+ buds on them. Don't over feed.