Opinions needed.


Well-Known Member
Alright. I have a plant that is just about there, the main colas are just about where I want them, but the budsites in the interior of the plant are not yet ready. I want to know the results of harvesting a large percent of the buds and leaving the small underdeveloped sites to grow on the main stalk. Would the plant be healthy enough to finish up the smaller budsites or would chopping it down severely shock it so much the sites would be better off harvested a little early or left to finish. The reason I want to do this is I have 2 big ones right next to each other and I'm getting nervous, the cover vegetation is getting mighty thin and I think I'd like to just harvest the buds that are done so I can get those in my possession before something horrible happens and my grow is spotted. It's not like my plants are in plain sight, they are really still very much concealed on a very private area but I still worry and I'd like to get some while I can and then hope for the best with the rest. I just want to know about the harvesting over half a plant before I do anything.


New Member
Alright. I have a plant that is just about there, the main colas are just about where I want them, but the budsites in the interior of the plant are not yet ready. I want to know the results of harvesting a large percent of the buds and leaving the small underdeveloped sites to grow on the main stalk. Would the plant be healthy enough to finish up the smaller budsites or would chopping it down severely shock it so much the sites would be better off harvested a little early or left to finish. The reason I want to do this is I have 2 big ones right next to each other and I'm getting nervous, the cover vegetation is getting mighty thin and I think I'd like to just harvest the buds that are done so I can get those in my possession before something horrible happens and my grow is spotted. It's not like my plants are in plain sight, they are really still very much concealed on a very private area but I still worry and I'd like to get some while I can and then hope for the best with the rest. I just want to know about the harvesting over half a plant before I do anything.
I have done it before without issue. You could also bend/break main branches to get it to lay down. This is a great way to keep it stealth as well.


Well-Known Member
I think I'd be too afraid to start breaking or bending branches I didn't want to harvest. Especially on my plant that has 2 weeks left.


Active Member
Make a clean cut and you will be ok. I have done this before with my Kali/Blueberry cross. Some of those other ones can take forever to finish.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit am I a fricken lucky camper. Guess what the fuck happened? So yesterday I harvested most of the plant that is pretty much ready. I left the other one that was not even close to being ready. Had some nice buds on top but in no way ready to smoke, the trichs were still all clear. Okay so I have my other plants that are all in pots and they are doing great I'm just gonna bring them in to my shed at night and put them in the green house during the day. So this guy I've known for a while comes over today. He half ass knows I grow but not where. He tells me about his plants he has indoors and in his back yard, I've even seen them. They were really nice looking when I saw them. So I get into a conversation with him and it somewhat slips that I have one plant growing in a general area which for some dumb reason I point out to him. Keep in mind I've already harvested the really good plant and all that's left is the one that is not even close and some left over popcorn nugs I left to fatten up on the plant I harvested. So we smoke and he leaves. I didn't pay him much attention but I went out and moved all my potted plants to a different location no where near my undone plant.
So my mom has cancer and is pretty much dying in the hospital right now. I take my family to go see her and we spend most of the day and night there. I come home and what do ya know. I go to my plant and all the tops are ripped off. All my lines for securing the plant are untied and thrown about. There is some heavy heavy winds so my mind is racing as to what happened. I look around and find quite a few branches left. Whoever did it left me more than would be expected of a ripper. I think he was rushed cause he was nervous and just took the ones that looked the best to him as fast as he could and then get out of there. So I take my left over buds and go hang them with my harvest, which is in my shed and could have easily been stolen but I don't think he even came to my street, I think he entered the area from the main road. Now I'm thinking the only person who knows about this spot is that dude, my wife, and my dying mother. I even go check my other potted plants and they are all fine in the spots that dude didn't know about.
So I figure if someone like the owner of the property, who, I've never seen out there stumbled onto them I don't think they would have been done the way they were. I think that if some random kid in the neighborhood found them they wouldn't have left any cause how would they know I lived close by to be nervous and only take some.
The only person it could have been is that dude. Why would he do such a thing when he knows that I know he has a crap load of dank drying in his garage right now. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna call the police tonight or in the morning and tell them I have a tip for them. I'm just gonna say I was at my sister in laws and I saw a man with pot growing in his garage. I'm not gonna leave a name or nothing. That part puzzles me though. Why would he do that? Doesn't he know that I'd suspect him and only him? It almost makes me think he didn't do it but commen sense kicks in and I know he did it. No one else knew they were there, no one knew I was growing them so why would they be nervous when they were rippin them and end up leaving so much.
At least I know it wasn't cops, cause the stalks would have just been cleanly cut at the bottem if they confiscated them. I'm so happy I decided to harvest my plant yesterday, I think I was gonna lose that plant anyways due to the temps so fuck that guy, I hope he likes it in jail. I harvested at least 1 and a half pounds off the one, off the potted plants I'll get almost a pound, and I probably got a couple O's from what dickhead ripper left.

People trip me out. I just don't understand it. Maybe he just doesn't get how fricken obvious it appears. POS ripper, steals my plant while I vistited my dying mom. I do think I've just convinced myself to call the police on this fool. Thank God for this thread and whoever convinced me to harvest my plant yesterday. What a save.


Dude forget snitchin' him out hes a piece of shit but still. I'd go and jack every single one of his plants if I were you, every last nug, equipment, everything he has.


Well-Known Member
i'd fuck him up.. but like you ive done a couple years behind bars so i guess id have take it in the ass and know never to trust him again


Active Member
Dude, anyone could have seen you put the plant outside in the shed. Maybe another neighbor heard you at the moment. How can you be 100% sure it was him? Unless you seen him, you can't blame him. You should put another plant in there if you can and show it to him later, if it's gone too then I would burn his house down (Don't do it but it's a thought).


Well-Known Member
Read the thread better. Not in a shed. Was in a spot in a field that I pointed to the general area of to him. I lived here for 7 years almost and have never seen one person out there. I've been tooling around in those woods all year and haven't seen a soul. All of a sudden he finds out where my plant is and it comes up ripped? Nah, I got this. I don't even care about the plant now, it's almost worth it to send his ass to jail. F all that shit about no "snitching", all is fair in love and war and this is war to me.


Loose lips ladies and gentlemen... We know the rule. its virtually the only way to blow up your spot. Either he did it, told someone about it and they did it, or it was mere coincidence and someone else was involved. My advise to you is too let it go. You see him again, you remind him that Karma's a sunovabotch.

DO NOT CALL COPS. Silly silly silly move... And really, shame on you for suggesting it. Someone stole your illigel plants? You get nothing out of it but him busted. Then he gets a break by ratting you out. You;d be feeding the game and thier are a few of us out there that would step on someones neck we didnt even know if he was a rat, its a big time no no, especially if your playing in the game. Now, that being said..

I would not react as well. I just laid out the details to what I would do and deleted them.. lol. I need to toke right now. That shit makes ME mad. Call the cops, get your head strait.. people get killed over ratting on other people. Not good. Confront him, or let it go.


Read the thread better. Not in a shed. Was in a spot in a field that I pointed to the general area of to him. I lived here for 7 years almost and have never seen one person out there. I've been tooling around in those woods all year and haven't seen a soul. All of a sudden he finds out where my plant is and it comes up ripped? Nah, I got this. I don't even care about the plant now, it's almost worth it to send his ass to jail. F all that shit about no "snitching", all is fair in love and war and this is war to me.
Oh Delta-9, you must be young. Do what you wish, but you better scrub every trace of any chance you ever seen ganja in your life. You call him in, he will know its you, and will DEFINETLY rat on you. i cant beleive we even need to have this conversation. Use your head. I dont care how you handle it, make it personal, beat his ass, take his shit, whatever retardedness you do, you cant grow and rat people out for growing. Besides not being right, Im not bullshitting about what people will do, especially sinse you'll both be locked up for something that is supposed to be STEALTH!!!!!! Calling the cops cause someone stole your plants???????? I am out of comments. The fact you would consider calling the cops makes me want to slap you. AND, what if you were wrong, and thier not in his posession? dont you think he'll send them your way? You netter hope your police department isnt bored son... Good luck, use your head.


Well-Known Member
Sorry I don't share the same sentiments. The only reason I haven't called the cops is because your right, I don't need heat right now with 4 girls left and a couple pounds drying. I'm 33 by the way. If that is young then your old. If I had everything dried and cured I'd rat that fool out in a heartbeat and a few of you might want to slap me for that because you have some retarded sense of honor among thieves, I know better, that shit don't exist. I will get my revenge when it's best. Cold. Next year I'll have moved already to a new house so I might just put the tip in next year, I'm sure he will be growing again.

I wish someone would try to "step on my neck". After they get beat into next week they can tell me if it's going to freeze or not.


thieves and sniches are about the same worth in my book . you fucked up if he got your plants ya musta took him to see em to show em off . narking someone out is just as bad as stealing in my book so just kick his ass .or forget about it and try try again.


Sorry I don't share the same sentiments. The only reason I haven't called the cops is because your right, I don't need heat right now with 4 girls left and a couple pounds drying. I'm 33 by the way. If that is young then your old. If I had everything dried and cured I'd rat that fool out in a heartbeat and a few of you might want to slap me for that because you have some retarded sense of honor among thieves, I know better, that shit don't exist. I will get my revenge when it's best. Cold. Next year I'll have moved already to a new house so I might just put the tip in next year, I'm sure he will be growing again.

I wish someone would try to "step on my neck". After they get beat into next week they can tell me if it's going to freeze or not.
Careful what ya wish for ya know. I dont agree with calling the cops cause they will fuk up everything for everyone else, but ou shouldnt care about that, your saying no honor amungst thieves.. Are you a thief?? Seriously. Go beat his ass, handle your shit, but a rat eats shit and lives in holes. Disgusting fukin creatures, and yes, not to provoke, but I would squash one in a second. I've stepped on a lot of necks, sometimes it doesnt go so good, but it usually gets the point across. I also have spent much time in county and state pens, so its a balance on whether its worth it. I dont usually make the right call, regrets a sunova bitch. DO You know what happens to people in the pen that are known rats?? They usually have to go into protective custudy so that no one gets to them. And I dont mean there going kill him, although a few might, but you can imagine some punishments from the seperetist groups in there. So I will end it with man up and go take care of this personally, dont go running to the copps, or take it as a loss, and really. event though probably just a stoner mistake, yo utold the dude where they were. Gotta be more cautious. I've voiced all I can about the dangers of involving the cops when you yourself are operating outside the law, I strongly advise against it, I have seen many things blow up over dumb shit. And for the record, cops almost never go on anonymous tips, especially for a guy might have a pot plant somewhere in his house. The cost of them trying to turn up probable cause in order to bust the guy legitimetly for one plant. please. Even 6 plants, no way. You owned up to a full confession and would attend trial to prosecute him, maybe they would do it, but only little shit like that when thier trying to make deals. Your 33, and yes I'm older, not by much, so your smart enough to figure away to get back at him without involving the cops. thats all I got..


Just to kinda put an end to the thread, really are we discussing whether or not snitching, ratting someone out to the cops is cool or not?? On this site??


Well-Known Member
Yes we are. Sorry thieves don't deserve to live so I still say F him. Obviously I've made up my mind and I'm taking the advice of not calling because I'm not yet done. But that is the only reason. Everyone saying how they would be investigating me is retarded. This guy doesn't even live in the same state as me. And honestly, I happen to know all the cops that work in my area. They all train in jiu jitsu, I'm the one that teaches them so I'm not worried about too much but like I said, I've made my decision and it's final.

I just don't understand why so many on this site sympathize with thieves so much. Well, I take that back, I understand it perfectly.


Yes we are. Sorry thieves don't deserve to live so I still say F him. Obviously I've made up my mind and I'm taking the advice of not calling because I'm not yet done. But that is the only reason. Everyone saying how they would be investigating me is retarded. This guy doesn't even live in the same state as me. And honestly, I happen to know all the cops that work in my area. They all train in jiu jitsu, I'm the one that teaches them so I'm not worried about too much but like I said, I've made my decision and it's final.

I just don't understand why so many on this site sympathize with thieves so much. Well, I take that back, I understand it perfectly.
Its not sympathizing with theives, your a fukin rat. Who in this business or hobby, would ever want to know you? Your just like a thief, F him is right. Im glad you dont live in my state. My object was not to discredit or slander you, I didnt even know you. But know me, and the readers, who may not post, are thinking the same thing. Stealing someones illigel plants from a property they dont even own, so technically they arent really yours anyway, that YOU showed a guy where they were, that you didnt know very well, and he took them before he went home to his other state. WELL, DUH! STILL, in no way, shape or forms justifies you being a rat. And the fact that caling the cops comes so easy to you, I hope anyone who actually knows you and reads this and has any part in thier "own" project to be EXTREMELY weary. This is the shit that makes guys go down for 5-15 over some dumb 6 plant shit. You would hand the cops more people? As a grower arent you supposed to be FOR the cause. If you know martial arts as well as you state you do, just go fuk the dude up and be done with it like a man. So easy to blow the whistle. Everyday that goes by I lose more respect for the men of this country. man up son and handle this "delicate" matter privately. God, this is a perfect reason you never say shit to anyone about what your up to. This other guy may not have done anything, though he probably did, but un a guess, your going to send the cops to his house next year and send him away for something stupid like growing. Maybe he didnt even do it, again, most likely did, but still. You sleep fine with that shit. Ruining people lives on a hunch. I would never wish anyone to blow the whistle on you or anyone, cause I would go to jail for alot worse then growing if someone did, but I do wish you get what you deserve if you make that call. And Karma's a funny thing. I am beside myself. READERS, pay attention to this. This isnt one guy on a forum who thinks this way, there are many of them out there, he;s just man enough to admit it at least, people rat, and for the dumbest reasons you can think of. I've been through it all, and I've served, and I have never, ever, opened my mouth, nor should you. You know the risks, keep your mouthes shut, and for gods sake, dont show anyone your grow spot, indoors or out, its tempting I know, but it could cost you many years if there is even a ripple in that friendship, or the realtionship with that broad ends. Make up a story on where you get your great ganja, set up a pepper garden in plain sight so you can talk about hydropincs and plants. I cant stress this enough. Most people are shit, and the rest can turn to shit at anytime, and yes, with enough anger that means you. I hope everyone gets the moral of this story.


Well-Known Member
yeah calling the cops is going to get you involved, guy is going to say something shitty like "im helping him harvest his crop" or something else shitty that points the finger at you. let it slide and cripple him 6 months/ year from now