Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014


Well-Known Member
What's happenin outdoor folk!

Played hookey from work today. No biggie.

So I'm thinking of chopping the girls down. Doesn't look like they will get much fatter? I've never played with clones before.
Also, since I had mites I was thinking the best thing would to make a BHO hash. I wanted to do icewater but don't think mites will die in ice? Rather be all cryogenic n shit. But I dont like the fact of having to smoke mites washed in butane. So I think I'm just going to make a butter run. Large one.... I guess. For some reason I asked this in another site and seems like it's "taboo" to ask that ???

They look ready to cut? They do to me...cloudy and amber and lots of brown hairs.
Bubble/Ice Hash
Those mites will float to the top with the organic mater. Your tric's will sink to the bottom in the hash pile. I recommend Bubble/Ice Hash.


Well-Known Member
I love bananas. The craziest place I saw a growing banana tree was in Salem Oregon. They had a greenhouse with some bananas on it. Keep up the good work. Now think if you got the weight of those bananas in weed that would be the best thing ever.


Well-Known Member
Some nice rain today and the ladies are dry I learned my lesson last year with all the early rain,it is easy to cover small amounts like this but not an option for the bigger grows unless you have deep pockets for a monster greenhouse.I hope everyones grows are hanging in there with all this weather. 20140924_152433.jpg 20140924_105726.jpg 20140924_105602.jpg 20140924_105714.jpg 20140924_105535.jpg


Well-Known Member
Here was a second report:

It was soooooo smoooth :) First hit was huge and there was no expansion cough. Wasn't sure I got anything until I blew out a huge cloud. Felt the disembodiment right away but the floor did not fall away. I also did not feel my heart racing or any uncomfortable feelings. It was like a big heavy warm blanket. My lower back stopped hurting and I played my 12 string for about 3 hours and came up with some great new riffs. I was sad when it wore off. Oh - I also made some brownies with milk and sour cream instead of water and cooked them in a jack-o-lantern shape muffin pan I picked up on sale because Halloween is over.

Going to pick up some Bubble bags today.



Well-Known Member
definitely not the tub your pops just knows his shit. I love hearing anyone using guano a lot of people frown upon it not knowing what they are talking about. I don't use a lot maybe a dustpan or 2 full
Guano is good stuff, but some people don't like it because the commercially available stuff is harvested with questionable methodology and questionable ethics AFAIK. I forget the whole story behind it.
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Well-Known Member
Next report:

This is from a ground up early bud jarred for three weeks, then machine-rolled as a bomber doobie, rolled two weeks ago for a patient who was overwhelmed and we stopped. I next had a couple hits from it on Thanksgiving and had a great time! No migrane (which are always triggered by Thanksgiving)

It was now a two week old half doobie.

First hit smooth - wasn't sure it was lit. Second hit - the roof of my mouth goes numb. Third hit - lips go numb where they touch the doob. Two more hits and it goes out on its own - after two weeks it is still too gooey to stay lit!


Got very chatty and had a great time watching DaVinci Code. Had trouble falling asleep - very speedy but in the mind not in the heart. Definitely a morning medicine for use when you need to get things done.

Rollability - Grinds easily and has a nice waxy consistency that does not clump and it is not dry or crumbly.
Taste - No taste - almost undetectable. Numbs mouth.
Expansion - Big hits do not cause any coughing.
Head - High and euphoric. Not trippy at this dose (most I have tried so far).
