Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014


Well-Known Member
I would LOVE to get my hands on some CBD strains...if anyone is gonna have some at the BBQ hint hint ;) That is a whole new world for me to work with.

POTFACED! hahahha...yes, I believe we were all just that that first BBQ! So can't wait for this December to get here and do it again :)

You guys are all just too sweet :) Yes, I do love to make my edibles. It is fun getting in the kitchen and creating things. But there are certain steps to follow and once you get them's on and cracking :)

@ GB...yes! BadKittySmiles is the shit! She is where I got most of my stuff from. I have tried a ton of different recipes, but hers are hands down the best. I recommend her techniques to anyone wanting to make butter.

...when you do make the butter, decarb first and you will be golden. Add some soy lecithin, and you will need less to do more ;)

ABM... :) muah!
@fumble .. You would like cbd plants to grow? or...already grown and ready to decarb and cook?
One of my dispensaries sells cbd clones. :-)

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Hey Sam-
Sorry about your loss, but I'm sure Gary would love to see you back in the garden. Almost everything about gardening is beautiful. From starting your garden, to watching it grow, then the progress of developing a beautiful place in your world, and reaping it's benefits. Not to mention it's spiritual benefits, I feel connected in a different way, almost like a "Zen" type of feeling I get when I'm in the garden.
The labor involved is healthy, the energy you get back from hard work is healthy, the satisfaction you get from a job well done is healthy, and the beauty you create around you is healthy. I can't think of no negatives.

So roll up them knickers, get out your gardening tools, draw up some plans and get to work. Just stay out of the heat. Okay, one negative, heat stroke is
im a bit of a stress head but when im out in my garden with my chilli plants etc in the off season its very calming.......


Well-Known Member
Squash is awesome! Just like grapes, they hate to be over-watered, and whatever you do, don't get the leaves wet!

Beer and wine almost always give me a migraine. Never knew what the headaches were until I got the sickle sparkle in my eye and then went temporarily blind. Called the Dr thinking I was dying and he asked if I had the migraine yet. It came a little while later.

I performed a test of different strains for relief and so far the Rare Dankness Scott's OG is the best migraine smokable I have tried. I have not tried any edibles made from Scott's yet. My Fioricet is still the fastest medicine for getting rid of my pain. Although I am hoping the edibles will replace this.

Gardens all look amazing! I wish you were all a little closer so I could go to the BBQ and trade goodies. I may still try and make it this year just to have some roast beast!


Well do know there are members who come up to the BBQ from down there ;)

I know the visual indicators well. I get 'prisms' in the corner of my vision. The headache could be an hour or two or day or two from the visual. I don't know that edibles will take the pain completely for you or not - they do for some- but def worth trying :)


Well-Known Member
I ran into a problem figured I'd ask you guys. So I went out to my garden today to find little slugs eating my fucking bud!!!! Happened to me my first outdoor crop! :wall:
I sprayed the plants multiple times with azamax & monterey insect spray in veg and right when they started to flower. Even did a couple soil drenches with the azamax. My plants are 4 weeks into flower its a 11 week strain. What should I do?? Really was depending on this crop.View attachment 3214491

That looks like budworm damage or caterpillars. You need to spray BT or Spinosad. Both are organic and you need to do it


Well-Known Member
Squash is awesome! Just like grapes, they hate to be over-watered, and whatever you do, don't get the leaves wet!

Beer and wine almost always give me a migraine. Never knew what the headaches were until I got the sickle sparkle in my eye and then went temporarily blind. Called the Dr thinking I was dying and he asked if I had the migraine yet. It came a little while later.

I performed a test of different strains for relief and so far the Rare Dankness Scott's OG is the best migraine smokable I have tried. I have not tried any edibles made from Scott's yet. My Fioricet is still the fastest medicine for getting rid of my pain. Although I am hoping the edibles will replace this.

Gardens all look amazing! I wish you were all a little closer so I could go to the BBQ and trade goodies. I may still try and make it this year just to have some roast beast!


Carpool !


Well-Known Member
The little sad greenhouse this year. LOL Bout ready to Rip these fuckers out and get my count down and turn on my lights. LOL Don't know what happened but they are trying really hard to grow.

Thank god for the side yard and cherry pies.
just super cropped and topped the cherry pies. Here comes the bush !

Blue heron

Some Huckle berries

Summer squash. have to water this thing like three times a day in the heat. It has consumed the bucket

The PM Hoes

over all shot of me garden.
