Open-Salt Database

Does anyone still have a copy of this? My best friend moved out of the country and what nutrients he can get are GARBAGE and what he can get imported is CRAZY EXPENSIVE.

I know this is a long shot, but I was hoping someone saved Blahhs spreadsheet of all the reverse engineered nutrients.


Well-Known Member
This is the nute I recommend to everyone I used it a few years ago, and it was amazing and then I couldn't get it again until recently. I had been using GH nutes for the last few years, and they worked ok, but 2 months ago I switched back to the Envy and all the plants had massive improvements in growth. The finished buds are super frosty and very tasty. Its a no frills real salt nutrient, not some BS that is marketed to stoners with a fancy label. Its very cost effective as well as efficient.