
I went away on holiday for 10 days and turned my babies to flower 12/12 the same day I left, however on returning from my holiday I realised that I made a schoolboy error in forgetting to turn the Autopot tap back on (don't hate on me, I've punched myself in the face for making such a mistake) obviously the plants haven't been watered/fed for the time I was away and they have shrivelled up as a result.

I'm hoping they come back round and pull through as they're not dead just look very thirsty.

Do you know if this will cause issues in the long run or should it be OK? My main concern is this vital 3-week stretch period after turning to flower 10 days have gone a miss although I've mainlined them so they're short and bushy none the less. Any feedback or opinions would be appreciated!


Active Member
Accept you made a simple mistake and move on, you won't do it again I'll bet!
I would put them back in vege and try to revive them. Flowering is hard on the plant so vege is the best chance.
Prune back the dead bits and hopefully fresh growth will appear. When they look good again, put them into flower.
Don't over water, the roots are damaged too.


Well-Known Member
My cats knocked over my plants last night and im two weeks into flower so i feel ur pain bro weeds a great plant tho It can take a beating i hope they bounce back for u


Well-Known Member
dude, WHY are your cats in your flowering room(easy bake oven) J/K ?
ask your mentor if that is a good idea.
Cuz i only have a grow box i made and i opened it to water em and had to go get gas and forgot to close it and came home to all my girls knocked over its not big of a space 2x2x4


Well-Known Member
I had 2-3 "dried up" accidents myself when I was starting off.. Some plants definitely handled it better.. Some just never quite got right after so only time will tell..

And you gotta look out for fires and such with pets around HPS..
Good news it appears the plant will recover as I only turned on the Autopots earlier and the plant already isn't droopy just a few hours later! Still concerned that 10 days with no feed since flowering might have upset it but on the bright side I suppose not all 10 days count without feed as the soil would have taken a while to dry out.