One plant that hates me.

Wait, what?

Well-Known Member
Seriously, I have one at the moment and have no fucking idea what to do either. My friend says "leave it alone and it'll recover" so I'm waiting

ETA: It looks heat stressed to me from your pics


Well-Known Member
to be honest i dont think its lack of light or low temps lol to me by looking at the leaves you can kinda see the beggining of a lack of cal mag so id give it some of that also id say water them a little less but its hard to tell from the picture.


Thanks guys. I am running 2 85 watt cfls 5000k and 4 23 watt cfls 6400k. I water about every 3-4 days when the first 2-3 inches of soil are dry. I did nute burn them last week using FF grow big in 2 back to back waterings mixed to instructions on bottle, never again, lol and also had a fan go out so temps hit like 90-96 degrees in closet, during this hot nute time might I add, lol.


Active Member
Thanks guys. I am running 2 85 watt cfls 5000k and 4 23 watt cfls 6400k. I water about every 3-4 days when the first 2-3 inches of soil are dry. I did nute burn them last week using FF grow big in 2 back to back waterings mixed to instructions on bottle, never again, lol and also had a fan go out so temps hit like 90-96 degrees in closet, during this hot nute time might I add, lol.
ya id think that leaf curl with the tips is a well known look to plants known as "the claw" and i wanna say its from to much nitrogen but im not 100% sure there may b other reasons a plant will do that though so imo id take a look on the plant problem fourn or serach "the claw" on mj plants


Well-Known Member
i would change her pot check out her roots. looks like her roots my be locking her. in anew pot use more perlite/coco to make it more airy for the roots. if she has to stay in those then drill 10 holes size of pencil 5 1inch up from bottom and 5 2inch up from botto, kinda stagged. will help her roots get more air and better drainage. also how dry are letting her get? she maybe a slow drinker compared to your others.


Well-Known Member
Im having a similar problem, two happy plants, and one pissed off bitch, it just happens sometimes. Its like my disabled child haha, buds still look good though haha

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Well-Known Member
you may have to feed and water less for the slackers. Some just cant keep up. I can say let them dry out 80% before watering


i would change her pot check out her roots. looks like her roots my be locking her. in anew pot use more perlite/coco to make it more airy for the roots. if she has to stay in those then drill 10 holes size of pencil 5 1inch up from bottom and 5 2inch up from botto, kinda stagged. will help her roots get more air and better drainage. also how dry are letting her get? she maybe a slow drinker compared to your others.
That sounds like a great idea for all my pots. Especially since the leaves have darkened a bit. She just went to this new pot, roots looked alright. The one I don't lst I get issues out of, ha ha. I will drill holes in all my pots though, sounds like it could be beneficial for all of them. I used about 40 percent perlite to 60 FFOF soil which has a decent bit in it already. It's about 50/50 I'd say.

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Im having a similar problem, two happy plants, and one pissed off bitch, it just happens sometimes. Its like my disabled child haha, buds still look good though haha

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As long as the buds turn out great I could care less if she was black and blue. Lol

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Well-Known Member
That sounds like a great idea for all my pots. Especially since the leaves have darkened a bit. She just went to this new pot, roots looked alright. The one I don't lst I get issues out of, ha ha. I will drill holes in all my pots though, sounds like it could be beneficial for all of them. I used about 40 percent perlite to 60 FFOF soil which has a decent bit in it already. It's about 50/50 I'd say.

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on your drill bit apply tape like duct tape about 1/4 inch up so you dont go in to far and kill your roots.. im high and forgot that.


Well-Known Member
That sounds like a great idea for all my pots. Especially since the leaves have darkened a bit. She just went to this new pot, roots looked alright. The one I don't lst I get issues out of, ha ha. I will drill holes in all my pots though, sounds like it could be beneficial for all of them. I used about 40 percent perlite to 60 FFOF soil which has a decent bit in it already. It's about 50/50 I'd say.

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hey if she is acting up a bit super crop the main branch make the other branches compete for top. it could boost her into catching up. see lst and other techs make the plants grow faster and in return they use more water/nutes. post a pic so i can see her so i can really advise you better.


I will get some all around photos of her and post them. Finally just got off work, lol.

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Well-Known Member
Here are the best I could get.
okay first slow down on the watering let her dry almost completely. droppy leaves means too much water. do you have a fish air pump around if not go buy a $5 at walmart and bubble your water/feed 30 minutes before watering. but really bro slow your roll on the water. you are drowning her.


Active Member
DCobeen is right... slow your roll... and that soil tends to be "hot" no nutes... for a long time. Good thing you mixed it. I also throw in some dolomite lime when I mix mine up.... Since you already have yours potted, you could "top dress" it with a few tbsp.'s and it may help to regulate the pH.