one of the worst grow guides ever!!


Well-Known Member
lol this part is priceless

After a few weeks of flowering you will begin to sprout males. You can take out the males and have better females that have stronger buds. UNDER NO CONDITION should the males be killed or wasted, if you want stronger bud and no seeds just sell the males to some stupid ass that dosent know the differnce and tell him that you dont know if the plants are male or female


Active Member
what about these lol

To cure the plants, they must be dried. On large crops, this is accomplished by constructing a drying box or drying room. You must have a heat source (such as an electric heater) which will make the box/room each 130 degrees.

Yet another way of cureing is to hang the buds up in a well ventlated closet or room for a day or two. but this can be hard on the nerves because you will have a few pounds of bud just hanging around for a few days.

Males DO produce bud but the bud just isnt as strong as the females.

Logan Rhodes

Active Member
Well since you ask "irieie" yeah, if someone is dumb enough to post a guide, with the most idiotic information anyone has every heard of ,deserves to be joked about at the very least. A Grow Guide should be written to help others, by someone who doesn't have there head up their ass. Try reading some of it and maybe you'll understand what were talking about! On tge other hand your probably taking his advice... LOL!.!.!


Active Member
yeah i dont know what the guy is thinking that wrote this, he says it all comes from books, websites and personel experiance, i would like to know what books and stuff this info came from