One of my two females theres someting going on with i need help


I have two female plants its my first time growing they are 6 weeks into flowering and the other day i noticed a web in on the flowers. I didnt think nothing of it well three days later half of my flowers are starting to die along with some of the leafs is it suppose to do this? And the white web what could it have been it was stronger than a spider web. Can i save it and what should i do ?20161022_204504.jpg


Active Member
If most of the plant looks like that, its not saveable.
though as a desperate attempt, if the top of your plant is not affected, you could try removing all that looks similar to death, which is alot in this case, and leave only the healthy (if any) buds.

I would throw it out and hope the mites havent spread to your other lady. Unless you have a longhaired cat, I've thought I had mites several times, turned out to be fur from my cat. smells terrible when burning it.