One of my island babies died :(


Active Member
So I am currently beginning to grow on an island that I canoe out to.
I canoed in foxfarms ocean forest soil and 7 clones (4 headband and 3 sour diesel) yesterday and planted them. I came to check on them today and the first 6 i saw were all super healthy, then I found my last one had been broken at the stem and killed. There are geese that live out on these islands, do you think they could have knocked it over or something? It was also very windy last night could the wind have broken the thin clone stem?

Please help I don't want this to happen to the rest of my plants!


Well-Known Member
Help with what?

The only questions you asked were whether or not it was possible for either a goose or the wind to break a clone's stem. I'd have to say it is.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
A tree limb or twig could have done it, a coon, goose, what ever. You have GOT to place a barrer of some sort so animals can't walk freely over your Babies. If Geese would have found them, nothing would be left. Old barbed wire, field fence, any thing, or your screwed.