Once dry sealing airtight with a bag.....


Well-Known Member
Can i ask when you dry your buds for a week is this enough i'm going to pass some on i like to use air sealed bags before it leaves my house which are great there is no smell due to them being airtight.

But if my friend sits on it and does not open it quickly because i've only dried it for a week will it start to develop moisture like kind of a curing process and in turn bud rot ?

How long do i need to dry it for before i can comfortable seal it in an airtight bag for moving it around without problems ?


Well-Known Member
It will develop mold for sure in a sealed plastic bag.It needs to be cured in mason jars for a few weeks befoer being put into any kind of plastic bags for any amount of time. It would be fine for him to take it home this way.But then he should put it into a mason jar and burp it daily...