Ona gel question.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your reply. A couple ppl are just being mean and I appreciate a nice comment.
I'm glad to hear that because I can't have it smelling in my house.

I'm only growing one plant and it's an auto flower so I will be ok prolly. Thanks again.
I use it, I put a little on a small lid ( pickle jar") and have a desk size fan ocilating, works for me.. I'm small time just for me, 2 plants in spare br closet upstairs.. Gel is in room not closet.. If u get a smell from my place it's "burnt" not "fresh".. Lol


Well-Known Member
I got a gallon of ONA gel regular, on ebay for $40 shipped, will last years. Put a small ammount, say the size of a strawberry on a saucer plate up on a shelf (I used the top shelf of a book shelf, out of sight) and you cant smell any pot at all, family over regularly, no need to worry about smell 10 minutes before they arrive, it always smells neutral, cant smell ona or plants. Change the saucer every 2 weeks.

Mind you this is a 2x4 tent grow


Well-Known Member
but hey, if you offer good advice, you're wrong, and if you try to prove it, you're an asshole or a dick...

have you checked this guy's posting history? just check the threads that he's started... lol
Exactly ! and if it's not the answer he wants to hear, than your just being mean. Sure sounds like some kid to me.
I wonder how he (or she) will handle things when momma finds out about the grow in the bedroom closet.
You don't plan on getting ripped with your friends before school in the morning, do ya Eddy ?


Well-Known Member
Eddy there's lots of things to try, but in end you're gonna need a filter. Also I read in Mr Cervantes book just exactly why weed smells and lingers. Check it out.


Well-Known Member
My 4 plants are at ~ 5 weeks bloom. If I turn my carbon filter off not only do you smell them but you will start sneezing in the house. It's overwhelming.