OMG watch this shit while your high!!


Well-Known Member
Im baked out of my mind.....and my wife went to Castco and purchased "Planet Earth"......damn. I mean I like nature shit now and then (usually lions and shit fucking up other animals and crap like that) But DAAMMN between the high def picture on my plasma and the surround sound, this shit is memorizing, I mean this is no normal nature programing! I mean it looked cool on the commercials and shit, but if you have never watched this before or only saw some of it, or maybe all of it but was strait I DEF suggest watching it baked as hell!!!:eyesmoke:

The number one series to watch like this is the Rainforest Jungle Chapter.....Incredible!!!

Anyone else experience this?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, we watch that shit like every friday in my world geog. class. I think it'd prolly be real entertaining on acid. It's real entertaining regardless, actually.


Well-Known Member
yea man....that is sooooo cool....the wonders, true wonders of High Def, and in ENHANCED (read stoned) mode! oh yea!


Well-Known Member
The rain forest episode when it talks about plant growth reminds me so much of my plants when I grow em, it freak's me out when Im baked!


Well-Known Member
I've seen so many episodes now, idk which is my favorite...
I think the most spectacular moment in all of those shows is in the episode where a great white jumps out of the water and grabs a seal. The shit's amazing.


Well-Known Member
I watched it last night on my dads 62' big screen HD TV while smoking a few bowls. I have to admit it was fuckin awsome!