OMG it's so purple


Well-Known Member
Thats beatiful madcow. Im no expert but that looks very purple to be weather related. Everything Ive seen has always been more of spotting or just turns the tops purple, but Ive never seen a whole plant turn that dark and pretty purple from weather.

One of mine started turning purple but I think It might be weather. Although it has been warm here, it started turning purple right after the rain last week.

Did yours start off just turning the tops purple like mine and foilys?

wow very nice... yeah mine looks EXACTLY like that but not so developed yet. that one looks ready to be harvested... it seems 2 out of the 12 are purple.. and they are right next to eachother so maybe it has to do with the soil??


New Member
It's very cool looking however it got that colour.
I love the colour purple.
I think I'll spray paint mine. lol


Well-Known Member
man... youre all just jelouse that lacy came up with it!!! and I already did it... and smoked it... it was nuts :)...

no I didn't... just incase anyone is high enough to believe that...


Active Member
i have planted 2 big bud outside they r about 6ft tall and flowering one is esactly like your purple and the other is not near as purple but to make all even weird i have a purple power thats not at all purple and 1 greenhouse ams anti mould strain that has just had to be harvested early cos it was being destroyed by mould will post pics weirdest grow ive been invoved in just hope the others wont die of whatever te ams did they look fine so far only three weeks left of flowering