
Well-Known Member
Hey Beef, looking good, guess it's showtime. I would have loved to see you veg a little longer but I got no patience for scrogging either ;). Any target weight for your babies? That be the dry weight please :).
how does 40 fist size nugs weight? :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I have no idea how much I'm going to pull off these two ladies.

My first run with the purps, the plants were much much smaller, and I got between 3-4oz per plant. I'm hoping for 6-8oz per plant this time. Might be hoping pretty high, but I'm going to shoot for the stars! :D

Also, the ladies had a great night last night! Grew a bunch! These bitches grow as fast as I can get the water to them, no joke. It's nuts. The 12/12 switch stretch is going to start soon too... I expect at least a week to ten days of stretching, probably more.

If I give them 4L of water each they grow a bit, but holy Loly, 8L and these bitches are flyin'! It's nuts how fast they grow! Pics to follow!


Well-Known Member
Looks awesome beef, I think if you would have waited any longer on those they would have busted down the sides of that tent in budding lol. Definitely still gonna be a tight fit... I hop non of those branches gets too heavy without that screen and splits that stalk. But its best not to mention these things and I wish no harm on your garden, that said they look sexy, I could def see getting close to hp a plant assuming all goes well from here.


Well-Known Member
Luckily they seem to be growing up, not out!

If they get too heavy, I'll use string as supports from the top of the tent! :D I HOPE they get too heavy!

...and with that, a pic update!



Well-Known Member
Wow they are kicking into gear. Great growth man. Temps are what,, 76-78 and they're drinking like that? They are gonna be monsters Beef! What's the light height? Are you thinking of dropping it down a bit to try to tighten nodal length during the stretch or does that strain just stretch regardless?

Great job Beef. Keep rockin!


Well-Known Member
Wow they are kicking into gear. Great growth man. Temps are what,, 76-78 and they're drinking like that? They are gonna be monsters Beef! What's the light height? Are you thinking of dropping it down a bit to try to tighten nodal length during the stretch or does that strain just stretch regardless?

Great job Beef. Keep rockin!
Thanks man, yeah you're bang on with the temps in the day; a little cooler at night but pretty stable. The light height is 22" from the canopy.

Good job beef. They look awesome.
Thanks man, I hope the get massive! :D


Well-Known Member
Haha, thanks mayne!

They're quite thick! I'm debating on whether or not to do something about it.
I would do nothing about it until later in flowering to shed light on the lower buds.. .. like at week 6 if they are 8-9 weeker... I really try not to stress them when they are stretching flipping to 12/12.


Well-Known Member
Jeeze beef looking nice great training you have going on there are you not tempted to run 2 more plants in that space and just hang some fans down from the top ?


Well-Known Member
Thanks man! I love me some tied up bitches! ;)

There's really not that much room! I could put one more tub in sideways, but my intention is to keep my plant count as absolutely low as possible.

Now, in about 4-5 weeks I'll start 2 more plants so when these are harvested I'll have replacements ready to go without ever exceeding 4 plants. :D


Well-Known Member
I tied some bitch up last week I like to every 2 weeks or so :p

Ah I try to keep it under 8 flowering plants but I grow for my mum too so it`s kind`a more 4 plants each I guess.