Old person getting on Medical Marijuana


Well-Known Member
Hello to all. I have been doing research for about a month and a half about how to grow and how to use the bud. I have an elderly person in the age range of 60-70.
The reasion that I am posting this is because I dont want to kill her from getting her too high. I will proble have her use a vaporizer because she is on an air machine. (use to smoke Pallmall Lights)
Here is the questions; what is the best straine for a good body high that will not have her fall over from light headed ness? Would making it into a tea or other cooking perpouses be better than using a vaporizer?
This might be in the wrong place, I am sorry if i put it in the wrong place.



New Member
volcano is good or any sort of vaporizer, youll want to start with a weaker strain like a northern lights or ask for a sativa, no indicas or kushs. Let the person take 2 tokes and wait an hr make sure everyhting is kool, b ready with munchies and something to drink. I think that marihuana is really good for older people its so good for arthritis and back pain and bone pain and appetite. Good luck and best wishes.


Well-Known Member
Thank you both for the help. This is for chronic back pain. Too many time's ive seen her have to take pills that don't work anymore.


Well-Known Member
If it is for back pain I would think that an indica dominant mix would be better, sativas stimulate the body more and dont dull pain a lot in my experience. I would reccommend something like Early Special from Nirvana not very strong but quick easy to grow, and will give u more pain relief.

My sciatic nerve gets pinched from muscle inflamation, and I find that indicas help me out more with pain than sativas do, she may be different though everyone is affected differently. If you could buy some for her to try out before growing that could help with choosing which to grow.


Well-Known Member
If you could buy some for her to try out before growing that could help with choosing which to grow.
I would but some of the people around her would not like it too much if i just walked in and said here try some of this. I have thought about it tho and I proble will.

But trying to get a person to tell you the true name and strain of something around here is next to imppossible. But a good thought none the less. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Northern lights is not a weaker strain. Northern Lights is considered to be very potent, with estimates that hybrids have three to four times the amount of THC as a regular strain.

Big Bud is a weaker strain.


Well-Known Member
Ya you prob wont get the real strain of weed if u ask a dealer, but most fresh good looking bud you buy will most likely be indica, if you get some mexican brick you will have sative more than likely. All you need to establish is which helps her and then you get a strain that is similar.


Well-Known Member
That is true. I have gotten mexican brick by the pound at a good price but I have no time to roll joints all day long


Well-Known Member
Im no doctor here so take what i say with a grain of salt but are you sure that giving somebody on oxygen medicine that is to be taken in through the lungs is a real swift idea ?

I cant see that being a good thing,if she's on oxygen it's because she's having trouble in the lung area,edibles would be the only safe solution if you think about it,or maybe a tonic or even a tintacure but surely not vaped .


Well-Known Member
Oh I forgot about the cooking part, go to the FAQ section and look at how to make canna butter, you can make some up for her and she can put it on muffins or bake cookies with it or whatever. Show her how to make it and you don't have to do shit except grow the bud.


Well-Known Member
That is true, also that is why i posted on here to get some ideas from all of the people that are on this sight. Makes it easer to make a good decison on what to be attempted and what not to be attempted.


Well-Known Member
Oh I forgot about the cooking part, go to the FAQ section and look at how to make canna butter, you can make some up for her and she can put it on muffins or bake cookies with it or whatever. Show her how to make it and you don't have to do shit except grow the bud.

I have been in the FAQ section of this sight waiting for people to add their two cents in. That is true but i think that her hubby will be the one who will make the butter. If he does not want to than I will have to do both cook and grow.:peace: