Okay I'm about to cut my first clone


About to cut my first clone from another White Widow clone I have been vegging for nearly a month. How big should the branch be that I cut? I was planning on cutting a small branch toward the bottom of the plant. How many inches between the cut and first leaf should their be? Also, after I cut should it fit snug inside of the rockwool cube or loose? Any info anybody can give me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

DQ Blizzard

Active Member
Use a pencil, pen into the hole in the middle, slide it in the rockwool until it stops than force it in another 1/4 inch. When you put the cutting in slide it in until it hits bottom ***DO NOT STAB or FORCE it in**** and yes make it fit snug, you don't want light seeping into the rockwool hole.

DQ Blizzard

Active Member
Excellent thanks so much. When you say nodes below the medium, what exactly do you mean?
Not to be rude but have you not googled or searched this forum for "how to clone"?

What he means by 2 nodes under the medium is well described on a "how to". In short.... Take a cutting using a razor blade on a branch with at least 2 nodes. Using the razor blade strip off the lower nodes (also slice the end of your cutting to a point... think dagger). when you put the clone in the medium make sure the nodes you sliced off are buried in the rockwool.

1 more thing most important.... patience... you wont see roots for 10 days or so, don't fondle your cuttings too much and you don't have to open your dome everyday.


Not to be rude but have you not googled or searched this forum for "how to clone"?

What he means by 2 nodes under the medium is well described on a "how to". In short.... Take a cutting using a razor blade on a branch with at least 2 nodes. Using the razor blade strip off the lower nodes (also slice the end of your cutting to a point... think dagger). when you put the clone in the medium make sure the nodes you sliced off are buried in the rockwool.

1 more thing most important.... patience... you wont see roots for 10 days or so, don't fondle your cuttings too much and you don't have to open your dome everyday.
Yes of course I have Googled cloning and have a general idea what to do but the best info I get always seems to come from this forum. Thanks I think I'm ready.


Active Member
Since you're new to cloning, as I am, I would recommend trying several different methods. You might find they all work very well and boost your confidence levels. Right now I'm experimenting with some different methods..

1) Branches with several nodes in wet ProMix, ends had been dipped in rooting powder, kept with a clear bag over the top for 3-4 days for moisture control. Just removed the bags today..
2) Branches with several nodes, bottom node trimmed and placed in cups of water
3) Some of the trimmings from (2) are also placed in water
4) A couple of leaves (only the leaf and about 2" of its stem) placed in some kind of flowering foam, they come in green bricks you can cut easily with a knife, cut to fit jars that I fill with water. I noticed that these dehydrate very fast because of the surface area of the foam, so I cut up some pieces of white/black plastic and placed them on top of the foam around the stem white side up.

Only the first one (1) look like sorry plants, but the tops are still pointing up.. I'm on day 5. The rest are only on day 2, but are still firm and rigid and look healthy.


Well-Known Member
shit man...cloning is pretty easy.....i took 5 blu cheese 1 node, very small and just stuck clonex on and then banged it into a propagator for 4-5 days then soil...after a week i thought they werent gonna grow but now after 17 days they growin big time....no spraying or anything...mad thing is i pulled em up at one point to see if there was any roots growin then stuck em back in lol....they still grew hahahahaha


Well-Known Member
"uncle ben's topping technique" thread will help you with the mother and give you a nice tender clone, I recommend you read it, I think its in advanced section as a sticky. Good Luck!


Do the nodes need to be completely inside the medium? Where do the roots sprout from? The nodes or the cut?


Well-Known Member
Do the nodes need to be completely inside the medium? Where do the roots sprout from? The nodes or the cut?

lol....the nodes or the cut hahaha....sorry mate but thats too funni....roots come from where you cut mate....the bit u stick in the soil,.....lol


lol....the nodes or the cut hahaha....sorry mate but thats too funni....roots come from where you cut mate....the bit u stick in the soil,.....lol
I don't think you understood my question. I cut two leaves off from the first set of nodes that were above where I cut. Per the instructions I followed, I covered those cuts with root gel as well so I am wondering if where I cut the leaves sprout roots eventually also.


Well-Known Member
it took me a year and a half to figure out cloning. I've got it down fairly well now. What I've learned: moist not wet, warm medium, no humidity dome after a day or two, a buried growing node is helpful but not necessary. Cloning gels? Take 'em or leave 'em.


The first pic had a node buried inside the coco plug. The second one initially did, but it rotted away. I debated on whether or not to just throw it away. I didn't, and it sprouted roots just fine. I know its ugly, but its been through a lot and is growing roots... she'll be fine... don't pick on her.


Well-Known Member
your roots will sprout anywhere/everywhere inside your growing medium. its just wise to have a node or two inside there... because those are the concentrated areas of growth on your plant... or at least that's what the thinking behind it is.

p.s. the absolute easiest and absolutely slowest way to clone is to stick your cuttings directly into a glass of water and place them in a dimly lit warmish window. you'll h ave clones in 2-3 weeks (of course you'll have to exchange your water every other day or so).


New Member
it took me a year and a half to figure out cloning. I've got it down fairly well now. What I've learned: moist not wet, warm medium, no humidity dome after a day or two, a buried growing node is helpful but not necessary. Cloning gels? Take 'em or leave 'em.

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The first pic had a node buried inside the coco plug. The second one initially did, but it rotted away. I debated on whether or not to just throw it away. I didn't, and it sprouted roots just fine. I know its ugly, but its been through a lot and is growing roots... she'll be fine... don't pick on her.
Rep for helping out the thread, my man! :) Enjoy.