Ok , im missing something here ?

Fullmoon kid

Active Member

Alex triggers evacuations in Mexico, Texas

Border city sees flooding, as campers leave South Padre Island

"It's June. It's too soon for hurricanes," said Gloria Santos, of Edinburgh, after hitching her trailer back to her truck.

Jerry Wilson, 50, also didn't think much of Alex, though he struggled in the fierce gusts to hoist a cloth-tipped pole to clean high-mounted cameras across the island that will let Internet viewers watch Alex's arrival live online.

"We got two generators and lots of guns and ammo, so we're not worried about it," Wilson said.

WTF? In what way does lots of guns and ammo help against a hurricane ?


Well-Known Member
Id considered that Blazin , thanks though.What a strange world when events like this take place and we have to reach for a gun.

You haven't been down there in person have you?

The Mexican's are doing all they can to get over, and the cartels are helping... so guns/ammo is a must.

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
Yes , i lived in Tucson for 3 years in the early part of the 80's.It didnt seem like a huge problem then,in fairness it was us breaking our legs to get down to Nogales and party.

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
Don't fuck with Texas.. Its a whole different place than the rest of the country.
In what way different from other Americans ? Sure ive heard the jokes but from experience ive found Texas to be pretty cool.Used to have harsh sentences for possesion and maybe still does , then again so does Fla.
Lone Star beer is ace too.