Ok i topped my plant 2 days ago and lst just last night when should i start 12/12?


Active Member
^^^^^ also im in veg and my main stalk is like impossible to bend but all the other branches are bent so should i just leave the main stalk alone and i will be fine? Answers would be much appricated thank you


Well-Known Member
Its hard to help without pictures but what I can say is that you should wait a week for the plant to recover from the stress of topping before flowering. How much longer you wait than that is up to how big of a plant you want, though. As far as bending the main stalk, that is usually what you want to do to in LSTing-- bend the main growth site to the same level or below the other branches so that it signals to the plant to put energy into growing the other nodes and not just the main stalk. If you've already topped the plant than it should be branching out and taking care of itself anyways. If this means breaking your plant in half than you probably don't want to do it with this plant and just try it next time with a younger, more flexible plant.


Active Member
how old? any bud sights yet? you gotta start LSTing sooner. i'd say give it another week before 12/12 to keep it small.